Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Paraustrorhynchus elixus (Marcus, 1954)]

Paraustrorhynchus elixus (Marcus, 1954)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A warm tide pools, near the historic landmark of São Vicente, Santos Bay (Baía de Santos), Brazil 1078
Apr 16, 1952; Jun 1953 type locality tide pools shelly sand   20 specimens in April, and 3 in June, found in shelly sand in warm tide pools, at low tide. Marcus Er (1954): 454, 483
B English Point, Mombasa, Kenya 4910
Oct 1997   5 m green algae marine   Artois TJ, Tessens BS (2008): 9
C Noumea (Nouméa), Nouville, New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean 2316
Aug 2003   intertidal algae marine algae covered with sediment Artois TJ, Tessens BS (2008): 9
D Noumea (Nouméa), Magenta, New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean 2375
Aug 2003   intertidal algae marine large algae covered with sediment and small epiphytes from a pool on the beach near to the mangrove area Artois TJ, Tessens BS (2008): 9

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