Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Acanthopharynx arcanus Reisinger, 1924]

(Acanthopharynx arcanus Reisinger, 1924) = Carcharodopharynx arcanus

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Zoologischen Station Tvärminne (Tvarminne), Hanko (Hango, Hangö), Finnish Bay, Finland 1378
Jul 21, 1958         N. Tvärminne, Zoolog. Station, Storängsberget, Moos auf einer Kalkader, bloss ein Ex., trotz vielen Suchens (Rainer Rosengren, Alex Luther, det). Luther A (1963): 149
B Austria (Österreich) 2456
1924 or earlier         Österreich. Reisinger E (1924): from Reisinger 1954 (citation), An der Land & Franz 1954 (citation), and Luther (citation)- p. 149
C Pallanza, Italy 5800
1951 or earlier         ? Italien, Pallanza. Steinböck O (1951): from Steinböck 1951 (citation) and Luther 1963 (citation)- p. 149
D Oberau, Bavaria, Germany 7129
Jul 13, 2011         in forest litter.... Houben AM, Schwank P, Proesmans W, Bert W, Artois TJ (2015): 88
E Kreuzberg, Weyer, Austria 7440
Aug 29, 2011         in humid mosses and leafy humus... Houben AM, Schwank P, Proesmans W, Bert W, Artois TJ (2015): 88

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