Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Fonticola vernalis (Kenk, 1944)]

(Fonticola vernalis (Kenk, 1944)) = Phagocata vernalis

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A near crossing of U.S. Highway 23 and U.S. Highway 112, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA 2541
Jan 3, 1941 type locality     freshwater Temporary pond. Asexual animals were collected, among organic debris and water plants. One sexual specimen. Kenk R (1944): 27
B near crossing of U.S. Highway 23 and U.S. Highway 112, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA 2541
Apr 29, 1941 type locality     freshwater Temporary pond. Asexual animals were collected, among organic debris and water plants. One overmature specimen. Kenk R (1944): 27
C near crossing of U.S. Highway 23 and U.S. Highway 112, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA 2541
Apr 2, 1941 type locality     freshwater Temporary pond. Asexual animals were collected, among organic debris and water plants. Kenk R (1944): 27
D near crossing of U.S. Highway 23 and U.S. Highway 112, Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA 2541
Mar 5, 1941 type locality     freshwater Temporary pond. Asexual animals were collected, among organic debris and water plants. Kenk R (1944): 27
E near Milford Road (between Six-Mile and Seven-Mile roads), Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA 2542
Dec 17, 1940       freshwater Temporary pond. Six newly hatched (almost white) specimens taken with a sample of dead vegetal matter, under a thin sheet of ice. Kenk R (1944): 27
F near Milford Road (between Six-Mile and Seven-Mile roads), Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA 2542
Feb 24,26 & Mar 11,26, 1941       freshwater Temporary pond. eighty-three asexual animals under the ice. Kenk R (1944): 27
G Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 2543
1903 or earlier       freshwater from the Ann Arbor area. Kenk notes that Pearl's Dendrocoelum sp. comprises both Phagocata vernalis and P. velata. Stagnant water form is assumed to be P. vernalis and stream form P. velata. Pearl R (1903): 525-526; from Kenk R 1944 (citation)- p 28
H Snake Creek, Midland, Midland County, Michigan, USA 2553
Apr 20, 1941       freshwater eight immature individuals on dead leaves. Kenk notes that they were either P. velata or P. vernalis. A ditch on the east bank of Snake Creek, near Manor Drive, Midland. Stagnant pool, possibly fed by ground water; water somewhat colored. Kenk R (1944): 33

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