Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Dendrocoelopsis ezensis Ichikawa & Okugawa, 1958]

Dendrocoelopsis ezensis Ichikawa & Okugawa, 1958

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Otoineppu, Japan 4070
1958 or earlier default type         Ichikawa A, Okugawa KI (1958): ; from Kawakatsu, Sluys & Sasaki 2004 (citation)
B Hidaka, Japan 4242
1967-1970         south-western slope of the Hidaka Mountain Range. The main river systems are the Mukawa, the Saru, the Monbetsu, and the Nikappu. Survey from spring to autumn. Kawakatsu M, Shimamura M (1974): 87 from abstract

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