Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Latocestus plehni Laidlaw, 1906]

Latocestus plehni Laidlaw, 1906

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Cape Verde Archipelago, Cape Verde 1736
1904 default type       Several specimens found in deep crevices of nullipore, or shells, never in the open. Laidlaw FF (1906): 711
B Cape Verde Archipelago, Cape Verde 1736
1904 default type         Laidlaw FF (1906): abstract
C Malembe, Republic of the Congo 5016
Nov 1937         1 exemplare raccolto nel novembre del 1937 a Malembe, fra le alghe, in localita con fondo roccioso. Palombi A (1940): 110

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