Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Incapora weyrauchi Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1953]

Incapora weyrauchi Du Bois-Reymond Marcus, 1953

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Republic of Peru 3804
1953 or earlier default type         Marcus EvDB-R (1953): abstract
B Casaracra, Peru 4394
Jan 5, 1955         Quebrada Casaracra, near Oroya, 3800 m, Dr. Wolfgang K. Weyrauch leg. Marcus EvDB-R (1957): 162
C Casaracra, Peru 4394
Jan 5, 1955         River Casaracra, near Oroya, under a stone in grassland, 3900 m, Dr. Wolfgang K. Weyrauch leg. Marcus EvDB-R (1957): 162
D Rio Chinchipe, Peru 4396
Jul 1947         Santa Rosa on the River Chinchipe, a northern affluent of the River Maranon, 1600 m. Marcus EvDB-R (1957): 162
E Maraynioc, Peru 4792
Oct 10, 1956         Hacienda Maraynioc, common under stones on a pasture, 3500 m. Dr. Wolfgang K. Weyrauch leg. 42 specimens. Marcus EvDB-R (1958): 394

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