Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Herdla (Herlo), off Bergen, Norway

latitude: 60.566666     60°33'60"N
longitude: 4.95     4°57'0"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
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Collected here:

Avagina incola Leiper, 1902In common heart urchin, Echinocardium flavescens and Spatangus purpureus.
Faerlea echinocardii Dörjes, 1972Jul 193425 mparasite in the heart-urchin (Echinocardium flavescens), collected by T. G. Karling
Plagiostomum cinctum Meixner, 1938Jul 25, 1923
Meara stichopi Westblad, 19491923lives in the intestine of host, although also found in the cavity of the body. Host include Stichopus tremulus Gunn., Mesothuria intestinalis (in cavity of body)
Meara stichopi Westblad, 19491923lives in the intestine of host, although also found in the cavity of the body. Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Meara stichopi Westblad, 19491924lives in the intestine of host, although also found in the cavity of the body. Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Anoplodiera voluta Westblad, 19301923Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Anoplodiera voluta Westblad, 19301924Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Umagilla elegans Bock, 19131924Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Umagilla elegans Bock, 19131923Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Wahlia macrostylifera Westblad, 19301924Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Wahlia macrostylifera Westblad, 19301923lives in the intestine of host, although also found in the cavity of the body. Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Anoplodium stichopi Bock, 19251924Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Anoplodium stichopi Bock, 19251923Host Stichopus tremulus Gunn.
Syndesmis echinorum Francois, 1886prior to 1926found with Echinus species.
Urastoma cyprinae (Graff, 1882)prior to 1926found in mantle cavity of Mytilus modiolus and Lima hians.
Otocelis westbladi Ax, 1959prior 19755 mFucus
Pseudmecynostomum flavescens (Dörjes, 1968)prior 19750-5 mmud algae
Pseudmecynostomum westbladi Dörjes, 1968prior 19755 mmud
Nannorhynchides herdlaensis (Karling, 1956)1956 or earlier0.5-10.0 mIn different places in plants and shell, Westblad and Karling.
Cylindrostoma fingalianum (Claperede, 1861)1950 or earlier15 mOsund, station 25/53
Cylindrostoma gracilis Westblad, 19551950 or earlier15 msandat Bergen biol. stat 56/53.
Allostoma durum (Fuhrmann, 1896)1954 or earlier'according to Karling'.
Cylindrostoma paralutheri Karling, 19931955
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)prior to 1943plentiful in the samples.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)prior to 19430.0-10.0 mDr. Karling and [Luther] found them in different habitats, mainly on algae.
Macrostomum pusillum Ax, 19511974 or earler
Pseudostomum klostermanni (Graff, 1874)1940 or earlierfrom algae.
Pseudostomum quadrioculatum (Leuckart, 1847)1940 or earlierfrom algae.
Enterostomula dura (Fuhrmann, 1896)1940 or earlier
Scleraulophorus cephalatus Karling, 19401940 or earlier100 mKorallensand, dead KorallenstöckeKorallensand and pieces of broken, dead Korallenstöcke (Lophohelia and Amphihelia) with rich Epifauna.
Placorhynchus echinulatus Karling, 1947Jul 17, 1934fine sandAus der Algenvegetation in der Hafenbucht bei der zoologischen Station.
Brinkmanniella obtusa Luther, 1943Aug 7-11, 1934Sie stammen von zwei Fundorten mit sechtem Wasser: Bootshafen von Herdla, auf Ascophyllum un Fucus; und 0ö, Verbindung des Kvernepollen mit dem Meere (stark strömend), Algen mit viel Hydroiden und Bryozoen.
Mecynostomum agile Jensen, 1878Jun 1878 or earlierJeg har fundet denne Art ved Herlø i Fjaeren mellem Ulvae meget talrig. Juni. Kjønsmodne Individer.
Mesostomum marmoratum Schultze, 1851Jun 1878 or earlierArten forekommer paa alle de af mig undersøgte Lokaliteter (Bergen. Alvaerstrømmen, Herlø, Sund), men er sjelden. Den rødbrunt plettede Varietet er flere Gange funden.
Vortex angulatus Jensen, 18781878 or earlierFindesteder: Bergen og Herlø, i Fjaeren mellem Fuscus i stor Maengde. Dyret bevaeger sig meget hurtig og er altid i Rørelse. Jeg har fundet kjønsmodne Individer hele Sommeren igjennem.
Gyrator danielsoni Jensen, 18781878 or earlierFindesteder: Bergen, Herlø, Sartorø (ved Sunds Praestegaard) i Fjaeren, men isaer i nogle faa Fods Dybde, paa Fucus og Laminarier. April til Juli. Alle Individer kjønsmodne.
Monocelis spinosa Jensen, 18781878 or earlierMonocelis spinosa har jeg fundet paa Fucus i Fjaeren ved Bergen og Herlø, paa begge Steder sammen med M. hamata n. sp. (se nedenfor).
Monocelis hamata Jensen, 18781848 or earlierM. hamata har jeg fundet i stor Maengde i Fjaeren, men kun paa to Lokaliteter: Bergen (Fløen) og Herlø (naerved Hovedgaarden), paa begge Steder sammen med foregaaende Art.
Prognathorhynchus karlingi Ax, 19531960 or earlier15sandWestblad found the species at Herdla (seawards from Bergen on the Norwegian coast) in sand at ~15 m deep between Valen & Lamöy.
Provortex tubiferus Luther, 19481948 or earlier6 mfine sandNorwegen, Herdla, u. a. südlich von Valet, feiner Sand, zusammen mit Pr. affinis, Karling (Juli)

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