Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Ejde (Eidhi), (North of Ejde), Faroes, Faroe Islands
large numbers of Convoluta convoluta;
latitude: 62.299999     62 17 60 N
longitude: -7.073889     7 04 26 W

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of site (or city, etc.)]

Collected here:

Procerodes lobatus (Schmidt, 1862)1928low tide zone
Graffiellus croceus (Fabricius, 1826)1928low tide zone
Convoluta convoluta (Abildgaard, 1806)1928low tide zone\"great numbers\"
Paramecynostomum diversicolor (Ørsted, 1845)1928low tide zone
Aphanostoma rhomboides Jensen, 18781928low tide zone
Proschizorhynchella faeroeensis (Steinbock, 1931)1928low tide zone\"...in coarse sand of the low-tide zone. Numerous.\"
Convoluta saliens (Graff, 1882)1928low tide zone
Aphanostoma virescens (Ørsted, 1845)1928low tide zone
Anaperus rubellus Westblad, 19451928low tide zone"some specimens"
Macrostomum ophiocephalum Steinböck, 19311928low tide zone\"one specimen\"
Byrsophlebs graffi Jensen, 18781928low tide zone"Very numerous"
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)1928low tide zone
Astrotorhynchus bifidus regulatus Graff, 19051928low tide zonelow tide zone
Trigonostomum venenosum (Uljanin, 1870)1928low tide zone
Trigonostomum armatum (Jensen, 1878)1928low tide zone
Acmostomum dioicum Metschnikoff, 18651928low tide zone
Pseudostomum quadrioculatum (Leuckart, 1847)1928low tide zone
Monocelis fusca Örsted, 18431928low tide zone
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)1928low tide zone"very common"
Otoplana borealis Steinböck, 19311928low tide zone
Notoplana atomata (Müller, 1776)1928low tide zone
Archaphanostoma agile (Jensen, 1878)1928low tide zone
Otoplana sp. Steinbock, 19311928low tide zone1 specimen.
Coelogynopora sp. Steinbock, 19311928low tide zone1 animal

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