Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Comoro Island (Angaziga, Angasidga, Grande Comore), Comoro Islands, Union of the Comoros

latitude: -11.586111     11°35'10"S
longitude: 43.333057     43°19'59.01"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Amblyplana graffi Geba, 19091909 or earlierAngasidga (Comoren).
Amblyplana tristriata Geba, 19091909 or earlierAngasidga (Comoren0, Convalescence in einer Höhe von 1900 m.
Amblyplana voeltzkowi Geba, 19091909 or earlierAngasidga (Comoren) in einer Höhe von 1900 m.
Platydemus boehmigi Geba, 19091909 or earlierIn einer Grotte unter Moos in Angasidga (Comoren).
Prostheceraeus boucheti Prudhoe, 19891989 or earliermarine
Pseudoceros albireticulatus Prudhoe, 19891989 or earliermarine
Pseudoceros bifurcus Prudhoe, 19891989 or earliermarine
Pseudoceros fuscomaculatus Prudhoe, 19891989 or earliermarine
Pseudoceros mossambicus Prudhoe, 19891989 or earliermarine

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