Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Lesina, Italy

latitude: 41.883331     41 53 N
longitude: 15.433333     15 26 E

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Collected here:

Convoluta convoluta (Abildgaard, 1806)prior to 1905littoral
Plagiostomum meledanum Graff, 1911Mar and Apr 1907found in the Lago di Saint Maria up to Meleda.
Plagiostomum sulphureum Graff, 18821907found under "Convento" in Lesina.
Proporus rubropunctata Schmidt, 18521852 or earlier
Schizoprora venenosus Schmidt, 18521852 or earlier
Convoluta paradoxa Ørsted, 18431852 or earlier
Convoluta schultzii Schmidt, 18521852 or earlier
Proxenetes gracilis Graff, 18821913 or earlier
Promesostoma ovoideum ovoideum Graff, 19051913 or earlier
Promesostoma solea (Schmidt, 1857)1886 or earlier
Paramesostoma neapolitanum (Graff, 1882)1913 or earlier
Trigonostomum setigerum setigerum Schmidt, 18521913 or earlier
Polycystis naegelii Kölliker, 18451913 or earlierliving among plants in the litoral zone.
Polycystis mamertina (Graff, 1874)1913 or earlier
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Metschnikow, 1865)1913 or earlier
Plagiostomum girardi (Schmidt, 1857)1913 or earlierslow acting and swimming, in waste water and aquariums.
Plagiostomum maculatum Graff, 18821913 or earlier
Plagiostomum reticulatum (Schmidt, 1852)1913 or earlierlittoral
Plagiostomum rufodorsatum (Uljanin, 1870)1913 or earlier
Plagiostomum siphonophorum (Schmidt, 1852)1913 or earlier
Plagiostomum benedeni (Schmidt, 1852)1886 or earlier
Vorticeros auriculatum (Müller, 1784)1913 or earlier0-35mlittoral up to 35 m deep in Algen and Bryozoen.
Vorticeros luteum Hallez, 18791913 or earlier0-13 mGenerally found among Ulven and Zosteren. Found a 13 m depth, with Bugula turbinata.
Plicastoma bimaculatum (Graff,1882)1913 or earlierOctober and November among Zostera.
Pseudostomum quadrioculatum (Leuckart, 1847)1913 or earlier
Pseudostomum klostermanni (Graff, 1874)1913 or earlier
Monoophorum striatum (Graff, 1878)1913 or earlier0-28 mamong Ulven, Bryozoans.
Enterostomum zooxanthella Graff, 18861886 or earlier
Allostoma monotrochum Graff, 18821913 or earlieralso with Plagiostomum girardi.
Convoluta schultzii Schmidt, 18521933 or earlier
Convoluta sordida Graff, 18821933 or earlier
Thysanozoon brocchii (Risso, 1818)1933 or earlier
Plagiostomum siphonophorum (Schmidt, 1852)1933 or earlier
Proporus venenosus (Schmidt, 1852)1905 or earlierAdria (Triest, Lesina, Meleda).
Mesostoma craci Schmidt, 18581913 or earlier

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