Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

south western coast Netherlands (Holland, Niederlande)
arbitrary point to represent south western coast Netherlands,
latitude: 51.598999     51°35'56.4"N
longitude: 3.766     3°45'57.6"E

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication]

Collected here:

Parautelga bilioi Karling, 19641977 or earlierSüdwesten der Niederlande. "In salt-marshes in the euhalinicum"
Placorhynchus dimorphis Karling, 19471977 or earlierNiederlande. Delta=Gebiet im Südwesten. In isolierten, schwach brackigen, ehemaligen Aestuarien.
Prognathorhynchus canaliculatus Karling, 19471977 or earlier.....und Sandwatt im südwestlichen Deltagebiet der Niederlande.
Vejdovskya ignava Ax, 19511989 or earlierSchliesslich liegen Meldungen aus dem Brackwasser der Delta-Region von Holland..

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