Turbellarian taxonomic database

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Collecting site

Lule Lappmark (Lule Lappmarken), Sweden

latitude: 67     67°0'0"N
longitude: 20     20°0'0"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication]

Collected here:

Dalyellia cuspidata (Schmidt, 1861)1932 or earlierlakes.
Dalyellia infundibuliformis (Fuhrmann, 1894)1932 or earlierpools, moor pools, small lakes.
Castrada (Castrada) perspicua (Fuhrmann, 1894)1932 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) stagnorum Luther, 19041932 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) stagnorum stagnorum Luther, 19041932 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) lanceola (Braun, 1885)1932 or earliersmall waters.
Castrada (Castrada) hofmanni Braun, 18851932 or earliershallow lakes and pools.
Castrada (Castrada) sphagnetorum Luther, 19041932 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) armata (Fuhrmann, 1894)1932 or earlierpool.
Castrada (Castrada) neocomensis Volz, 18981932 or earlierpools, lakes and moors.
Castrada (Castrada) luteola Hofsten N, 19071932 or earlierpools.
Castrada (Castrada) libidinosa Hofsten, 19161932 or earlierpools.
Mesostoma lingua (Abildgaard, 1789)1932 or earlierpools and lakes.
Mesostoma maculatum Hofsten, 19171932 or earlierlakes and pools.
Geocentrophora sphyrocephala de Man, 18761932 or earlierpool in a pasture.
Otomesostoma auditivum (Forel & du Plessis, 1874)1932 or earlierlakes in birkens and pastures.
Dendrocoelum lacteum (Müller, 1773)1932 or earlier

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[enter site names separated by spaces or commas;
e.g., 'carolina,beaufort' shows sites with BOTH Carolina and Beaufort in the site name;
e.g., 'reef austral liz' shows sites with Australia AND Reef AND Lizard in the site name]

Search for site by digital coordinates (as in '41.19 16.60' or '-27.900 153.283340')
[separate the two with one or more spaces]
latitudelongitudeexact within 0.2 degrees

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latitudelongitude (enter coordinates for the center of the search area (e.g., 16.4/-88.1 or 16°57'36.95"N / 88°2'11.84"W ). Search is to within 1 degree.


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