Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Vikarskär (Vikarskar, Vikarskären, Storlandet), Finland

latitude: 59.833302     59°49'59.89"N
longitude: 20.983299     20°58'59.88"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Anaperus tvaerminnensis (Luther, 1912)prior to 1960between Jovskär and Vikarskär, 60 cm deep. (Papi)
Dolichomacrostomum uniporum Luther, 1947Jun 18, 1944sand, gyttiasand bank between the Islands of Vikarskär and Jovskär near Tvärminne, 30-35 cm deep.
Macrostomum balticum Luther, 1947prior to 19602.5-3.0 msand, gyttjabetween Vikarskär and Långholmen. All specimens found between June and August.
Macrostomum balticum Luther, 1947prior to 19600.5 msand, gyttjabetween Vikarskär and Jovskär. All specimens found between June and August.
Macrostomum curvituba Luther, 1947prior to 1960
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)prior to 1960between Vikarskär and Langholmen.
Promonotus schultzei Meixner, 1943prior to 1960Krogarviken: north of Vikarskär.
Minona baltica Karling & Kinnander, 1953prior to 1960
Bothriomolus balticus Meixner, 1938prior to 1960fine sandwest bay.
Macrostomum hamatum Luther, 1947Aug 31, 1943sand, rocksouthern bank. Vegetation includes Scirpus uniglumis, Juncus Gerardi, Aster tripolium, Phragmites. 3 specimens.
Tvaerminnea karlingi Luther, 1943Aug 19360.2-7.0 msandfound on sand bottoms, pushes through sand grains. Between the Zoological Station and Vikarskär.
Bresslauilla relicta Reisinger, 19291961 or earlierfine sand18 degrees C., 2 specimens.
Provortex pallidus Luther, 19481962 or earlier
Provortex karlingi Ax, 19511962 or earlierbetween Långholmen and Vikarskär.
Baicalellia brevituba (Luther, 1918)1962 or earlierplants, sea shore rocky promontory zone. Between Vikarskär and Jovskär.
Baicalellia beauchampi (Ax, 1956)1962 or earliersandbetween Vikarskär and Jovskär, detritus containing sand, 30-40 cm. Papi.
Baicalellia pusilla (Luther, 1962)1962 or earlierbetween Jovskär and Vikarskär, 15-20l cm deep.
Brinkmanniella macrostomoides Luther, 19481962 or earlierbetween Långholmen and Vikarskär.
Coronhelmis multispinosus Luther, 19481962 or earlierSandbank.
Koinocystis tvaerminnensis Karling, 1931Aug 1929 - Mar 19301 mDiese Art fand ich in geringer Anzahl dicht bei den Inseln Jofskär und Vikarskär in einer Tiefe von ungefähr 1 m. Der Boden war feiner Sand ohne Vegetation. In denselben Proben fand ich auch Placorhynchus und Proxenetes flabellifer.
Placorhynchus octaculeatus Karling, 1931Aug 1929 - Mar 19301 msandKrogarviken Bay, and the Islands of Jofskär and Vikarskär.
Acrorhynchus robustus Karling, 1931Jun 1929in the Sound between the Islands of Jofskär and Vikarskär.
Thalassoplanella collaris Luther, 19461946 or earliershallow water and in wet bank soil with Gyttja and humus.
Anthopharynx vaginatus Karling, 19401963 or earlier3 mSand, mudN. Tvärminne-Gebiet: Zwischen Vikarskär und Långholmen, Sand mit Schlick (A.L.)
Castrada (Castrada) lanceola (Braun, 1885)1963 or earlierUmgebung der Zool. Station Tvärminne: zwischen Långholmen u. Vikarskär;
Castrada (Castrada) subsalsa Luther, 19461963 or earlierVikarskär
Gieysztoria infundibuliformis (Fuhrmann, 1894)1955 or earlierStorlandet, vegetationsreicher Tümpel

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