Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Isafjorour, (Ísafjörður, Isafjorour, Isafjordhur), Iceland
town with harbor off Isafjardhardjup in northwest Iceland
latitude: 66.066666     66 04 N
longitude: -23.233334     23 14 W

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of site (or city, etc.)]

Collected here:

Convoluta convoluta (Abildgaard, 1806)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; everywhere in the surroundings, very frequent and numerous.
Childia groenlandica (Levinsen, 1879)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; in algae on fine sand north of Isafjorour, 1 specimen.
Otocelis rubropunctata (Schmidt, 1852)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; in algae-mud on fine sand east of Isafjorour, numerous.
Paramecynostomum diversicolor (Ørsted, 1845)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; outer harbor Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Aphanostoma rhomboides Jensen, 187816-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water south and east of Isafjorour, some specimens.
Childia macroposthium (Steinböck, 1931)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; algae on coarse sand and stones, outer harbor of Isafjorour, some specimens.
Anaperus rubellus Westblad, 194516-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; algae on harbor wall of Isafjorour, 1 specimens.
Aphanostoma virescens (Ørsted, 1845)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; algae on coarse and fine sand east and north of Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Microstomum rubromaculatum Graff, 188216-26 July, 1937shallow water; fine sand and algae in a depth of 1-2 m, north of Isafjorour, 1 specimens.
Microstomum papillosum Graff, 188216-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae as well as in coarse and fine sand round Isafjorour, several specimens.
Microstomum dermophthalmum Riedel, 193216-26 July, 1937low tide zone; coarse sand and algae, outer harbor of Isafjorour, several specimens.
Microstomum jenseni Riedel, 193216-26 July, 1937shallow water; fine sand east of Isafjorour, frequent.
Provortex balticus (Schultze, 1851)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on coarse and fine sand, as well as on the harbore wall of Isafjorour, frequent.
Astrotorhynchus bifidus regulatus Graff, 190516-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on coarse and fine sand, surroundings of Isafjorour, frequent.
Proxenetes flabellifer Jensen, 187816-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on coarse and fine sand, as well as on the harbor wall of Isafjorour, frequent.
Proxenetes uncinatus Graff, 188216-26 July, 1937shallow water; algae on fine sand, north of Isafjorour, 3 specimens.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on coarse and fine sand, the harbor and surroundings of Isafjorour, frequent.
Promesostoma ovoideum (Schmidt, 1852)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on coarse and fine sand, east and north of Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Promesostoma lenticulatum (Schmidt, 1852)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; in algae on fine sand, north of Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Maehrenthalia agilis (Levinsen, 1879)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on fine sand, east and north of Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Byrsophlebs graffi Jensen, 187816-26 July, 1937shallow water; in algae on coarse sand, outer harbor of Isafjorour, 1 specimen.
Trigonostomum venenosum (Uljanin, 1870)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; in algae on wall of the outer harbor of Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Trigonostomum armatum (Jensen, 1878)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; in algae on fine sand and mud east of Isafjorour, 1 specimen.
Graffiellus croceus (Fabricius, 1826)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on coarse and fine sand, on the harbor wall and in the surroundings of Isafjorour, large numbers.
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Metschnikow, 1865)16-26 July, 1937shallow water; in algae on fine sand, north of Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Pseudostomum quadrioculatum (Leuckart, 1847)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; in algae on coarse and fine sand, on the harbor wall and in the surroundings of Isafjorour, frequent.
Monocelis fusca Örsted, 184316-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; everywhere round Isafjorour, exceedingly numerous.
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)16-26 July, 1937low tide zone and shallow water; everywhere round Isafjorour, exceedingly numerous.
Orthoplana borealis (Steinböck, 1931)16-26 July, 1937in coarse sand of the low tide zone north of Isafjorour, numerous.
Procerodes ulvae (Ørsted, 1843)16-26 July, 1937in coarse sand and under stones in the low tide zone and shallow water north of Isafjorour, frequent.
Aphanostoma minima Steinböck, 193816-26 July, 1937shallow water, in find sand east of Isafjorour, 2 specimens.
Paraproporus elegans (An der Lan, 1936)16-26 July, 1937shallow water, algae on coarse sand and stones, outer harbor of Isafjorour, 1 specimen.
Amphiscolops sp. Steinbock, 193816-26 July, 1937shallow water, algae on fine sand, east of Isafjorour, 1 specimen.
Cylindrostoma fingalianum (Claperede, 1861)16-26 July, 1937shallow water, in algae on fine sand mixed with mud, east of Isafjorour, 1 specimen.

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