Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

off Buelk (Bülk, Bulk) Kiel Bay (Kieler Bucht; Kielerbugt; Nisler Bach), Germany

latitude: 54.450001     54°27'0"N
longitude: 10.2     10°12'0"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of site (or city, etc.)]

Collected here:

Monotoplana diorchis Meixner, 193819515-6 mclean and detritus-rich medium sand to coarse sand + shell
Typhlopolycystis coeca Karling, 19561938 or earliersandin sand near Buoy A (Tonne A).
Xenocicerina gracilis Karling, 19561956 or earlier5mcoarse sand, gravelfrom Ax, after sketches.
Ptychopera westbladi (Luther, 1943) Den Hartog, 1964Dec 19503-4 mmedium sand
Proxenetes (Paraxenetes) quadrispinosus den Hartog, 1966Sep 19515-6 mmedium to coarse sand
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) quinquespinosus Ax, 1971Jan-Jul 19513 mfine sanddiverse sublitoral.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) quinquespinosus Ax, 1971Jan-Jul 19514-5 mpure coarse sanddiverse sublitoral.
Proxenetes (Proxenetes) multidentatus Ax, 1971Apr-Oct, 19514-10 mcoarse sandsubtidal.
Proxenetes (Proxenetes) multidentatus Ax, 1971Apr, 19534-10 msandsubtidal.
Paromalostomum dubium (de Beauchamp, 1927)Nov 19506 mmedium to coarse sand
Ulianinia contractilis (Meixner, 1938)1938 or earliersandMeixner found this in the sandy bottom at Bülk in the Bay of Keil. 'The original material of this species was lost during the last world war [World War II], and the species has not been re-discovered.
Proceropharynx anophthalmus (Meixner, 1929)1929 or earlier8 msandsublitoral Baltic Sea.
Mariplanella frisia Ax & Heller, 1970Jul 19513-5 mcoarse sandleg. P. Ax.
Mariplanella frisia Ax & Heller, 1970May 19533-5 mcoarse sandleg. P. Ax.
Mariplanella frisia Ax & Heller, 1970Aug 19516 mcoarse sandDetritus poor. leg. P. Ax.
Adenorhynchus balticus Meixner, 19381938 or earlierfine sandflat zone near the breakwater. handwritten note from Meixner which P. Ax holds.
Gyratrix proavus Meixner, 19291929 or earlier8 mKieler Bucht, aus Sand in 8 m Tiefe bei der Nebenfahrwassertonne vor Bülk.
Cheliplana vaginalis Karling, 1983Apr 6, 1928sandsandy bottom (Meixner 1938, 115). Two specimens sectioned longitudinally, one of them holotype (labeled "Rhinepera vaginalis, Tonne A vor Bülk, 4.6.1928, sag.", type locality: Zoological Institution, Univ. of Graz, Austria).
Baicalellia nana (Ax, 2008)1950-19592-15 mcoarse sand, gravelBisher nur im polyhalinen Brackwasser der Kieler Bucht nachgewiesen. Grobsand-Kies vor Schilksee, Bülk und Weissenhaus, vom Stoller Grund, Vodrups-Flach und Veisnaes-Flach in 2-15 m Wassertiefe (1950-1959).
Baicalellia nana (Ax, 2008)19535 mcoarse sandBeobachtungen an Individuen aus Grobsand vor Bülk liegen der folgenden Darstellung zugrunde. Dieser Fundort bildet den Locus typicus der Art.
Promesostoma caligulatum Ax, 19521952 or earlier5-6 mmedium-coarse sandOstsee. Kieler Bucht. Bülk: Mittel-Grobsand, 5-6 m Wassertiefe.
Messoplana falcata falcata (Ax, 1953)1974 or earlierNordsee (Sylt, Amrum), Kieler Bucht (Schilksee, Bülk), Mittelmeer (Sizilien), Marmara Meer (Florya, Prinzeninsel Heybeli), Schwarzes Meer (Sile).
Provortex affinis (Jensen, 1878)1951fine sand, coarse sand and gravel....aus ufernahem Feinsand und Grobsand-Kies vor Bülk, 4 m Wassertiefe (unpubl. 1951)
Karkinorhynchus primitivus Meixner, 19281951 or earlier5 m2 Exemplare (leg. Ax 1950, 1951)
Rhinepera remanei Meixner, 19281966-1968(leg. Ax 1950)

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