Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, Sylt

latitude: 55.016666     55°0'60"N
longitude: 8.433333     8°25'60"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of site (or city, etc.)]

Collected here:

Paromalostomum fusculum Ax, 19521967-1968eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassandy beach, upper 4 cm of sand in summer, deeper into the sediment in winter
Paromalostomum proceracauda Pawlak, 19691967-1968eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassandy beach, upper 4 cm of sand in summer, deeper into the sediment in winter
Paromalostomum dubium (de Beauchamp, 1927)1967-1968eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassandy beach, upper 4 cm of sand in summer, deeper into the sediment in winter
Antroposthia unipora Faubel, 1974May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassandy beach slope, coarse sand, in ground water zone 40 cm deep, many animals
Pseudaphanostoma psammophilum Dörjes, 1968May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassandy beach slope and mud flats (wadden), few animals
Aphanostoma album Dörjes, 1968May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassandy beach slope and mud flats (wadden), few animals
Aphanostoma album Dörjes, 1968May 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasmud sand beach east of Lister Hook
Praeconvoluta minor Faubel, 1974May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope and mud flats (wadden), many animals
Convoluella brunea Faubel, 1974September-October 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope and mud flats (wadden), many animals
Antroposthia axi Faubel, 1974May-June 1973eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope, few animals
Nemertoderma sp. Westblad, 1937September 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope, one juvenile
Haplogonaria simplex Dörjes, 1968June-August 1973eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasgroin (breakwater) south of Blidsel Bay, very numerous
Haplogonaria simplex Dörjes, 1968May-August 1973eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope and mud flats (wadden), few animals
Pseudaphanostoma syltensis (Dörjes, 1968)May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope and wadden areas, very numerous
Pseudaphanostoma syltensis (Dörjes, 1968)September 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasLister Hook, very numerous
Haplogonaria psammalia Faubel, 1974May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope and wadden areas, several animals
Simplicomorpha gigantorhabditis Dörjes, 1968May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areassand beach slope and wadden areas, several animals
Simplicomorpha gigantorhabditis Dörjes, 1968September 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasEast of Lister Hook
Paratomella unichaeta Dörjes, 1966May 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand beach, 3 specimens (chains of animals)
Anaperus tvaerminnensis (Luther, 1912)May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand beach slope and wadden areas, few specimens
Actinoposthia biaculeata Faubel, 1974May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand beach slope, several specimens
Paraproporus rosettiformis Faubel, 1974June 1973eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand flats, four specimens
Microposthia listensis Faubel, 1974May-June 1972; Sept-Nov 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand beach slope, several specimens
Microposthia listensis Faubel, 1974May-July 1973eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand beach slope, several specimens
Atriofronta polyvacuola Dörjes, 1968May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand beach, several specimens
Paedomecynostomum bruneum Dörjes, 1968May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand flats and wadden areas, few specimens
Philomecynostomum lapillum Dörjes, 1968May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand flats and wadden areas, few specimens
Postmecynostomum pictum Dörjes, 1968May-November 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand flats and wadden areas, few specimens
Postmecynostomum pictum Dörjes, 1968October 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasMud sand flats and wadden areas, east of Lister Hook. few specimens
Pseudmecynostomum bruneofilum Faubel, 1974May-August 1973eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand flat and wadden areas, several specimens
Eumecynostomum papillosum (Faubel, 1974)May-October 1972eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand flat and wadden areas, several specimens
Oligofilomorpha interstitiophilum Faubel, 1974May-August 1973eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areasSand flat and wadden areas, several specimens
Anaperus tvaerminnensis (Luther, 1912)eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areaseulittoral in front of the old littoral station. date collected not specified.
Actinoposthia pigmentea Faubel, 1976Jun, Aug 1974eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areas2 specimens.
Actinoposthia longa Faubel, 1976Jul 1974; Jul 1975eulittoral, littoralsandy beach (middlelotic), sandy beach slope, sandy beach slopes and wadden areas, wadden areas2 specimens.
Promonotus marci Ax, 1954pre 1995intertidalsediment of wadden areas
Promonotus marci Ax, 1954pre 1994intertidalsand from wadden areas
Retronectes sterreri Faubel, 1976March-Nov, 1974, Feb. 1975intertidalsand
Retronectes spec. Faubel, 1976spring, 1969intertidalsand
Ptychopera ehlersi Ax, 1971Mar, Apr 1970medium sand2 specimens. leg. U. Ehlers.
Messoplana falcata (Ax, 1953)1967-1970sandsand flat, east bank of the Litoral Station ( leg. Ax and Ehlers.)
Proxenetes (Paraxenetes) quadrispinosus den Hartog, 1966Jul 1970sand40 meters from beach break. 1 specimen. leg. Ehlers.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) trigonus Ax, 1960Aug 1969sandsandflat, found between 10 and 55 m from the bank.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) trigonus Ax, 1960Sep 1969sandsandflat, found between 10 and 55 m from the bank.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) trigonus Ax, 1960May 1969sandsandflat, found between 10 and 55 m from the bank.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) trigonus Ax, 1960May 1970sandsandflat, found between 10 and 55 m from the bank.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) trigonus Ax, 1960Feb 1970sandsandflat, found between 10 and 55 m from the bank.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) trigonus Ax, 1960Jun 1970sandsandflat, found between 10 and 55 m from the bank.
Proxenetes (Perixenetes) trigonus Ax, 1960Aug 1970sandsandflat, found between 10 and 55 m from the bank.
Proxenetes (Proxenetes) flabellifer Jensen, 1878Aug, Sep 1969sandeast, sand flat. leg. U. Ehlers.
Proxenetes (Proxenetes) simplex Luther, 1948May 1969sandsand flat. leg.. U. Ehlers.
Proxenetes (Proxenetes) simplex Luther, 1948Sep 1969sandsand flat. leg.. U. Ehlers.
Coronhelmis inornatus Ehlers, 1974Aug 1970sandIn the supralittoral of the beach slope; 7 m above the MHWL. 10-75 cm below the sand surface (groundwater 155 cm). 16 specimens.
Coronhelmis tripartitus Ehlers, 1974Aug 1970sandin the sand flat and beach slope of the Litoralstation. 14 specimens.
Ciliopharyngiella intermedia Ax, 1952Jun 1969 - Mar 1971sandFront sand Watt, lower and middle sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Hoplopera pusilla Ehlers, 1974Aug 1970sand3 specimens. East beach, supralitoral of the sand slope, 8 m landward the HWL.
Pratoplana galeata Ehlers, 1974Jun 1969 - Mar 1971sandin the middle of the beach slope. Found regularly throughout the year.
Haloplanella longatuba Ax & Heller, 1970May 1969 - Mar 1971sandIn the front sand flat and in the eulitoralen sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Haloplanella hamulata Ehlers, 1974Feb 1970sandEast sand flatt in front. 3 individuals.
Brinkmanniella macrostomoides Luther, 1948May 1969sandEast beach before the Litoralstation. In the sand flat and in the eulitoralen sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Brinkmanniella macrostomoides Luther, 1948Jan 1971sandEast beach before the Litoralstation. In the sand flat and in the eulitoralen sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Brinkmanniella macrostomoides Luther, 1948Sep 1973sandEast beach before the Litoralstation. In the sand flat and in the eulitoralen sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Brinkmanniella procerastyla Ehlers, 1974Apr 1969 - Mar 1970sandSand flat near the Litoralstation. 4-110 m from the beach break.
Coronhelmis multispinosus Luther, 1948May 1970sandsand flat of the Litoralstation. few specimens.
Coronhelmis lutheri Ax, 1951Jun, Jul, Sep 1969sandSand flat of the Litoralstation. 3 samples.
Coronhelmis tripartitus Ehlers, 1974May 1970sandin the sand flat and beach slope of the Litoralstation. 14 specimens.
Coronhelmis tripartitus Ehlers, 1974May 1969sandin the sand flat and beach slope of the Litoralstation. 14 specimens.
Coronhelmis tripartitus Ehlers, 1974Jul 1970sandin the sand flat and beach slope of the Litoralstation. 14 specimens.
Coronhelmis tripartitus Ehlers, 1974Sep 1970sandin the sand flat and beach slope of the Litoralstation. 14 specimens.
Coronhelmis tripartitus Ehlers, 1974Apr 1972sandin the sand flat and beach slope of the Litoralstation. 14 specimens.
Subulagera mucronata Ehlers, 1974Nov 1967sandbetween the 0.0 m and 12 m mark.
Subulagera mucronata Ehlers, 1974Nov 1967sandregularly throughout the year. leg. Prof. Dr. P. Ax
Subulagera mucronata Ehlers, 1974Feb 1969sandregularly throughout the year. leg. Prof. Dr. P. Ax
Subulagera mucronata Ehlers, 1974Mar 1971sandregularly throughout the year. leg. Prof. Dr. P. Ax
Adenorhynchus balticus Meixner, 1938Jun 1969 - Mar 1971sandeast side of the Litoralstation der BAH. Found regularly throughout the year.
Litucivis serpens Ax & Heller, 1970May 1969 - Mar 1971sandEast beach before the Litoralstation of the BAH. In the front sand flat; lower and middle sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Litucivis serpens Ax & Heller, 1970Sep 1973sandEast beach before the Litoralstation of the BAH. In the front sand flat; lower and middle sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Listea simplex Ax & Heller, 1970Sep 1973sandEast beach before the Litoralstation of the BAH. In the front sand flat; lower and middle sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Listea simplex Ax & Heller, 1970May 1969 - Mar 1971sandEast beach before the Litoralstation of the BAH. In the front sand flat; lower and middle sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)May 1969 - Sep 1970sandEast beach before the Litoralstation of the BAH. Frequently numerous.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)Sep 1973sandEast beach before the Litoralstation of the BAH. Frequently numerous.
Promesostoma rostratum Ax, 1951Jul 1969 - Sep 1970sandEast beach of the Litoralstation of BAH. small numbers.
Promesostoma gracilis Ax, 1951Jul - Sep 1969sandEast beach of the Litoralstation der BAH. Sand flat and sand beach slope. In small numbers.
Promesostoma gracilis Ax, 1951Jul - Sep 1970sandEast beach of the Litoralstation der BAH. Sand flat and sand beach slope. In small numbers.
Promesostoma meixneri Ax, 1951May-Dec 1969sandEast beach of the Litoralstation BAH. Sand flat. Regularly found throughout the year, except the winter months.
Promesostoma meixneri Ax, 1951Apr-Nov 1970sandEast beach of the Litoralstation BAH. Sand flat. Regularly found throughout the year, except the winter months.
Promesostoma meixneri Ax, 1951Mar 1971sandEast beach of the Litoralstation BAH. Sand flat. Regularly found throughout the year, except the winter months.
Promesostoma meixneri Ax, 1951Sep 1973sandEast beach of the Litoralstation BAH. Sand flat. Regularly found throughout the year, except the winter months.
Promesostoma serpentistylum Ax, 1952Apr 1969 - Apr 1970East beach of the Litoralstation of BAH. Front sand flat and lower sand slope. Regular found throughout the year.
Promesostoma caligulatum Ax, 1952May 1969 - Mar 1971East beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, in small numbers throughout the year.
Promesostoma bipartitum Ax, 1956Aug, Sep 1970sandEast beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, sand beach slope. Several individuals.
Promesostoma karlingi Ehlers, 1974Jul 1969sandEast side beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, far beach sand flat. Usually isolated.
Promesostoma karlingi Ehlers, 1974Jul, Aug 1970sandEast side beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, far beach sand flat. Usually isolated.
Promesostoma karlingi Ehlers, 1974Aug 1971sandEast side beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, far beach sand flat. Usually isolated.
Promesostoma karlingi Ehlers, 1974Sep 1973sandEast side beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, far beach sand flat. Usually isolated.
Petaliella spiracauda Ehlers, 1974May 1969 - Mar 1971sandEast beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, front sand Watt and upper sublitoral. Regularly over the whole year.
Messoplana elegans Luther, 1948Jun, Jul 1970sandEast beach of the Litoralstation der BAH, within the range of the MNWL. 3 individuals.
Messoplana floralis Ehlers, 1974Mar 1971sandEast beach of the Litoralstation der BAH. In the groundwater of the middle sand slope. 1 specimen.
Messoplana rugata Ehlers, 1974Jul 1970sandEast beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, middle sand slope. 2 individuals.
Proxenetes ampullatus Ax, 1971Jan 1971sandEast beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, sand Watt, 70 m from the beach break. 1 specimen.
Proxenetes quinquespinosus Ax, 1971Sep 1970sandEast beach of the Litoralstation of BAH, sand Watt, 30-75 m from the beach break. 3 specimens.
Mariplanella frisia Ax & Heller, 1970May 1969 - Mar 1971sandeast beach of the Litoral Station (BAH), List. Middle and front sand Watt, upper Sublitoral. Regularly throughout the year.
Mariplanella frisia Ax & Heller, 1970Sep 1973sandeast beach of the Litoral Station (BAH), List. Middle and front sand Watt, upper Sublitoral. Regularly throughout the year.
Lonchoplanella axi Ehlers, 1974May 1949sandIn eulitoral sand slope. Regularly over the whole year. (Prof. Dr. P. Ax).
Lonchoplanella axi Ehlers, 1974May 1969 - Mar 1971sandIn eulitoral sand slope. Regularly over the whole year.
Proceropharynx anophthalmus (Meixner, 1929)May 1970sand3 specimens.
Proceropharynx anophthalmus (Meixner, 1929)Nov 1970sand3 specimens.
Adenopharynx mitrabursalis Ehlers, 1972May 1969 - Mar 1971
Aulopharynx aestuarius Ehlers, 1972May 1969 - Mar 1971sandSandwatt. Regularly throughout the year.
Doliopharynx geminocirro Ehlers, 1972Nov 1969 - Mar 1971sandSandwatt. 10-30 m from the breakwater. 10 specimens.
Mariplanella frisia Ax & Heller, 19701968East bank in front of the sandwatt.
Mariplanella frisia Ax & Heller, 19701969East bank in front of the sandwatt.
Adenorhynchus balticus Meixner, 19381968sandIn the sand slope; predominantly in the damp sand zone above the groundwater horizon.
Adenorhynchus balticus Meixner, 19381969sandIn the sand slope; predominantly in the damp sand zone above the groundwater horizon.
Litucivis serpens Ax & Heller, 1970Apr 1969Regularly in the front part of the sand Watt and in the lower sand slope.
Listea simplex Ax & Heller, 19701969sandsettles the front sand Watt as well as the lower and middle sand hand.
Listea simplex Ax & Heller, 19701968sandsettles the front sand Watt as well as the lower and middle sand hand.
Haloplanella longatuba Ax & Heller, 19701968sandeast of the Litoral Station, List.
Haloplanella longatuba Ax & Heller, 19701969sandeast of the Litoral Station, List.
Neoschizorhynchus parvorostro Ax & Heller, 1970prior to 1970sandeast of the Litoral Station List, in the sandwatt, between the superficial oxidation layer and the jet black FeS layer.
Microstomum papillosum Graff, 1882Apr-Jul 1972sandeulittoral beach in front of the Litoralstation List. Sandy beach slopes and wadden areas.
Microstomum papillosum Graff, 1882Apr-Jul 1973sandeulittoral beach in front of the Litoralstation List. Sandy beach slopes and wadden areas.
Microstomum jenseni Riedel, 1932May 1972tidal wadden areas of the Litoralstation List. Many specimens.
Microstomum jenseni Riedel, 1932Dec 1973tidal wadden areas of the Litoralstation List. Many specimens.
Microstomum spiculifer Faubel, 1974Sep-Oct 1972sandsandy beach slopes and wadden areas of the Litoralstation List. Several animals.
Microstomum spiculifer Faubel, 1974Sep-Oct 1973sandsandy beach slopes and wadden areas of the Litoralstation List. Several animals.
Macrostomum pusillum Ax, 1951May 1972sandsand beach, anterior part of wadden ares of the Litoralstation List. Some animals.
Bradynectes sterreri Rieger, 1971Mar 1971sandsand beach, and wadden area of the Listoralstation List. Several animals.
Bradynectes sterreri Rieger, 1971Nov, Dec 1973sandsand beach, and wadden area of the Listoralstation List. Several animals.
Bradynectes sterreri Rieger, 1971Jan 1974sandsand beach, and wadden area of the Listoralstation List. Several animals.
Myozona stylifera Ax, 1956May 1973sand1 animal.
Myozona purpurea Faubel, 19741972sandseveral animals. found all year round.
Myozona purpurea Faubel, 19741973sandseveral animals. found all year round.
Antromacrostomum armatum Faubel, 1974May 1972 - Dec 1973sandsand slope. several animals.
Haplopharynx rostratus Meixner, 1938May 1972sand
Haplopharynx rostratus Meixner, 1938Jun 1973sand
Haplopharynx rostratus Meixner, 1938Aug 1973sand
Retronectes sterreri Faubel, 19761985 or earlierfine sandWattenmeeres.
Protandrella cirrifera Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Dec 1969"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Lower intertidal beach slope and upper tidal sandy flats.
Protandrella cirrifera Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Feb-Jul 1970"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Lower intertidal beach slope and upper tidal sandy flats.
Protandrella cirrifera Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Nov 1970"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Lower intertidal beach slope and upper tidal sandy flats.
Tvaerminnea direceptacula Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Dec 1969sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Upper sandy tidal flats.
Tvaerminnea direceptacula Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Jan 1970sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Upper sandy tidal flats.
Tvaerminnea direceptacula Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Jul 1970sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Upper sandy tidal flats.
Tvaerminnea direceptacula Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Nov 1970sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Upper sandy tidal flats.
Tvaerminnea direceptacula Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Jan 1971sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. Upper sandy tidal flats.
Scoliopharyngia listensis Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Nov 1967sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. 4 specimens.
Scoliopharyngia listensis Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Nov 1969sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. 4 specimens.
Scoliopharyngia listensis Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Apr 1970sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. 4 specimens.
Scoliopharyngia listensis Ehlers, Mueller & Franke, 1994Jun 1970sand"Oststrand" in front of the former littoral station of the BAH. 4 specimens.
Archilopsis arenaria Martens, Curini-Galletti & Pucinelli, 1989Sep 1985medium sand in the mediolitoral of beaches along the Belgium coast, near the littoral station of Sylt.
Archilopsis unipunctata (Fabricius, 1826)Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Archilopsis unipunctata (Fabricius, 1826)Apr 1970Buhne List-Süd. Sandwatt. Einige Tiere.
Monocelis fusca Örsted, 1843Dec 1969List. Sandhang vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Nur 2 Tiere.
Monocelis fusca Örsted, 1843Jul 1970List. Sandhang vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Nur 2 Tiere.
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)Dec 1969List. Sandhang vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. 4 Tiere.
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)Jul 1970List. Sandhang vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. 4 Tiere.
Promonotus marci Ax, 1954Mar 1971List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Promonotus schultzei Meixner, 1943Aug 1970List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. 4 Expl.
Promonotus schultzei Meixner, 1943Jul 1970List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. 4 Expl.
Promonotus schultzei Meixner, 1943Sep 1970List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. 4 Expl.
Mesoda septentrionalis Sopott, 1972Mar 1971List. Im Sandhang vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Mesoda septentrionalis Sopott, 1972Apr 1969List. Im Sandhang vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Coelogynopora biarmata Steinböck, 1924Apr 1969List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig.
Coelogynopora biarmata Steinböck, 1924Mar 1971List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig.
Coelogynopora gynocotyla Steinböck, 1924Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Coelogynopora schulzii Meixner, 1938Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Coelogynopora tenuis Meixner, 1938Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Im Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Vereinzelt.
Coelogynopora axi Sopott, 1972Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Im Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Coelogynopora distortofolio Sopott, 1972Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Im Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Coelogynopora solifer Sopott, 1972Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Im Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Wenige Exemplare.
Carenscoilia biforamen Sopott, 1972Oct 1969 - Mar 1971List. Im Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Carenscoilia bidentata Sopott, 1972Apr 1969 - Mar 1971Sylt. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation List. In geringer Abundanz.
Vannuccia umbilica Sopott, 1972Nov 1968List. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Im Sandwatt. Zwei Exempl.
Vannuccia umbilica Sopott, 1972Mar 1970List. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Im Sandwatt. Ein Exempl.
Cirrifera cirrifera Sopott, 1972Mar 1971Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Regelmässig im vorderen Watt und unteren Hangabschnitt. das ganze Jahr
Cirrifera cirrifera Sopott, 1972Apr 1969Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Regelmässig im vorderen Watt und unteren Hangabschnitt. das ganze Jahr
Cirrifera dumosa Sopott, 1972Sep 1970Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Im Sandwatt.
Cirrifera dumosa Sopott, 1972Nov 1970Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Im Sandwatt.
Cirrifera dumosa Sopott, 1972Mar 1971Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Im Sandwatt.
Cirrifera boletiformae Sopott, 1972Mar 1971Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Mehrere Exemplare.
Cirrifera boletiformae Sopott, 1972Dec 1969Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Mehrere Exemplare.
Cirrifera aculeata (Ax, 1951)Jun 1971Sylt. Ostufer vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Im Sandwatt. 1 Exemplare.
Orthoplana filum (Meixner, 1938)Aug 1969Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Wenige Exemplare.
Orthoplana filum (Meixner, 1938)Sep 1970Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Wenige Exemplare.
Dicoelandropora atriopapillata Ax, 1956Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Itaspiella helgolandica helgolandica Sopott, 1972Apr 1969 - Mar 1971Sylt. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation List. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Otoplanella schulzi (Ax, 1951)Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Am Ostufer vor der Litoralstation. Im Sandhang. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Notocaryoplanella glandulosa (Ax, 1951)Mar 1971List. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation List. Im Sandwatt.
Notocaryoplanella glandulosa (Ax, 1951)Jan 1971List. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation List. Im Sandwatt.
Bulbotoplana acephala Ax, 1956Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Ostufer vor der Litoralstation. Im Sandwatt. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Parotoplana capitata Meixner, 1938Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Im Sandwatt und im Sandhang. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Parotoplana papii Ax, 1956Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Parotoplanina geminoducta Ax, 1956Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Praebursoplana steinboecki Ax, 1956Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Regelmässig über das ganze Jahr.
Otoplanidia endocystis Meixner, 1938Apr 1970List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Im vorderen Sandwatt. 1 Exemplar.
Philosyrtis rotundicephala Sopott, 1972Apr 1969 - Mar 1971Sylt. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation List der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Im vorderen Sandwatt. Wenige Exemplare.
Polystyliphora filum Ax, 1958Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Am Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Im Sandwatt. Wenige Tiere.
Nematoplana coelogynoporoides Meixner, 1938Apr 1969 - Mar 1971List. Oststrand vor der Litoralstation. Regelmassig über das ganze Jahr.
Drepanilla limophila Ehlers, 1979May 1969 - Nov 1970Tiefere Schichten des Sandwattes vor dem Altbau de Litoralstation Anstalt Helgoland in List. Zahlreiche Exemplare zu allen Jahreszeiten.
Aculeorhynchus glandulis Schilke, 19691967Sylt. List. Sandwatt und Sandhang vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland.
Nematorhynchus parvoacumine Schilke, 19691967Sylt. List. Sandwatt vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland.
Pogaina kinnei Ax, 19701966-1969Ostufer der Insel Sylt vor der Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Regelmässig im Sandwatt.

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