Collecting site
Jonesville, Lee County, Virginia, USA
latitude: 36.688999 36°41'20.4"N
longitude: -83.111 83°6'39.6"W
[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with USGS GNIS data)]
[Site Named Here by name of site (or city, etc.)]
Collected here:
Sphalloplana (Sphalloplana) consimilis Kenk, 1977 | Aug 23, 1969 | | | Cope Cave, south-southeast of Jonesville, 6 specimens collected lby J.R. Holsinger |
Sphalloplana (Sphalloplana) consimilis Kenk, 1977 | Aug 9, 1973 | | | McClure's Cave, west of Jonesville, 5 specimens. |
Sphalloplana (Sphalloplana) consimilis Kenk, 1977 | Jul 31, 1974 | | | McClure's Cave, west of Jonesville, 50 specimens collected lby J.R. Holsinger and D.C. Culver from a huge population of worms, sent to [Kenk] alive. |