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Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Mountain Lake, Virginia, USA
elevation 4000 feet.
latitude: 37.3601     37°21'36.36"N
longitude: -80.533997     80°32'2.39"W

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with USGS GNIS data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Stenostomum virginianum Nuttycombe, 1931Jul 1930collected in quiet pools.
Anokkostenostomum saliens (Kepner & Carter, 1931)1938 or earlier
Stenostomum kepneri Nuttycombe & Waters, 19381938 or earliercollected from several localities in the region of Mountain Lake.
Anokkostenostomum tuberculosum (Nuttycombe & Waters, 1938)1938 or earliercollected in large numbers.
Anokkostenostomum pegephilum (Nuttycombe & Waters, 1938)1938 or earliercollected in large numbers from two springs in the region of the Mountain Lake Biological Station, at elevations of 3700 and 3900 feet (temp 42 degrees F and 46 degrees F).
Planaria dactyligera dactyligera Kenk, 19351935 or earliercollected near south bank of lake.
Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789)1939 or earlier
Typhloplana viridata ovipara Mahan, 19561956 or earlierMountain Lake specimens are Typhloplana viridata but designated as a new sub-species, ovipara, since they have no viviparous stage of reproduction.
Microdalyellia gilesi Jones & Hayes, 19411941 or earlierMountain Lake and Blue Ridge Mountains.
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774)1939 or earlier
Geocentrophora baltica (Kennel, 1883)1939 or earlierMountain Lake Station.
Castrella (Castrella) pinguis (Silliman, 1884)1939 or earlier

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[enter site names separated by spaces or commas;
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