Turbellarian taxonomic database

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Collecting site

Hungary (Ungarn)
Terrestrial and freshwater locations in the Country of Hungary.
latitude: 47     47°0'0"N
longitude: 19     19°0'0"E

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication]

Collected here:

Stenostomum unicolor Schmidt, 18481913 or earlierdamp ground, pools, springs in Europe (England, France, Switzerland), in lakes in the upper layers (Denmark, Germany, Helgoland, Austria, Hungary, Russia).
Prorhynchus stagnalis Schultze, 18511913 or earlier
Dalyellia viridis (Shaw, 1791)1913 or earlier
Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789)1913 or earlierubiquitous, very active, prefers swimming at the surface of cold and warm, standing and flowing water.
Olisthanella truncula (Schmidt, 1858)1913 or earlier
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774)1913 or earlier
Typhloplana viridata (Abildgaard, 1789)1913 or earliermoors and lakes.
Mesostoma productum (Schmidt, 1848)1913 or earlierpuddles and lakes of Europe.
Dendrocoelides hankoi Gelei, 19271927 or earliercave
Dugesia lugubris (Schmidt, 1861)1923 or earlierÜbrige Verbreitung der Kollektivart. Brittische Inseln, Mittel- u. Südschweden, Dänemark, ganz West- u. Mitteleuropa, Lettland. Littauen, Polen, Tschechoslovakei, Ungarn, .....
Phaenocora unipunctata (Ørsted, 1843)1913 or earlier
Dalyellia viridis (Shaw, 1791)1882 or earlier

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[enter site names separated by spaces or commas;
e.g., 'carolina,beaufort' shows sites with BOTH Carolina and Beaufort in the site name;
e.g., 'reef austral liz' shows sites with Australia AND Reef AND Lizard in the site name]

Search for site by digital coordinates (as in '41.19 16.60' or '-27.900 153.283340')
[separate the two with one or more spaces]
latitudelongitudeexact within 0.2 degrees

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latitudelongitude (enter coordinates for the center of the search area (e.g., 16.4/-88.1 or 16°57'36.95"N / 88°2'11.84"W ). Search is to within 1 degree.


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