Turbellarian taxonomic database

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Collecting site

East Prussia (Ostpreussen, Prusy Wschodnie, Prusse Orientale), Poland

latitude: 54     54°0'0"N
longitude: 21     21°0'0"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication]

Collected here:

Microstomum punctatum Dorner, 19021902 or earlierLinkener lake in East Prussia.
Dalyellia expedita Hofsten N, 19071913 or earlier
Dalyellia triquetra (Fuhrmann, 1894)1913 or earlier
Phaenocora typhlops (Vejdovsky, 1880)1913 or earlierpools.
Phaenocora vejdovskyi (Vejdovsky, 1895)1913 or earlierpools.
Typhloplana minima (Fuhrmann, 1894)1913 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) lanceola (Braun, 1885)1913 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) hofmanni Braun, 18851913 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) viridis Volz, 18981913 or earlier
Mesostoma chromobactrum Braun, 18851913 or earlierpools
Bothromesostoma essenii Braun, 18851909 or earlier
Castrada (Castrada) agilis Dorner, 19021902 or earlier
Castrella (Castrella) serotina Dorner, 19021902 or earlier
Mesostoma exigua Dorner, 19021902 or earlier
Microstomum inerme Zacharias, 18941902 or earlier
Microstomum giganteum Hallez, 18781902 or earlier
Microstomum punctatum Dorner, 19021902 or earlier
Plagiostomum lemani Forel & Du Plessis, 18741902 or earlier
Vortex pictus Schmidt, 18481902 or earlier
Olisthanella obtusa (Schultze, 1851)1902 or earlierOstpreussen: Gerichsee.
Typhloplana viridata (Abildgaard, 1789)1902 or earlierOstpreussen.
Opistomum pallidum Schmidt, 18481902 or earlierOstpreussen.
Castrada (Castrada) lanceola (Braun, 1885)1902 or earlierOstpreussen.
Phaenocora typhlops (Vejdovsky, 1880)1902 or earlier
Microdalyellia armigera (Schmidt, 1862)1902 or earlier
Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789)1902 or earlier
Phaenocora gracilis (Vejdovsky, 1895)1901

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