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Meixner J (1943) Über die Umbildung einer Turbellarienart nach Einwanderung aus dem Meere ins Süßwasser. Internat.Revue d.Ges Hydrographie 43:458-465,6f. |
Abstract / Notes
In the shore sand of the Adriatic coast 3 Monocelis spp. were found, the first of which is probably identical with M. ophiocephala. The 2d, living in brackish water of minimal NaCl content in the mouth of a river, is M. cetinae n.sp. In all genera of Monocelididae the germaria are situated behind the pharynx except the 2 forms mentioned; consequently both are transferred to a new gen., PSEUDOMONOCELIS. The third sp., M. cirrifera n.sp., lives in brackish water of high salinity, P. centinae shows most conspicous cavities in the intestinal epithelium similar to those produced artificially in the marine triclad Procerodes litoralis when brought into fresh water for some hours. It is supposed that the vacuolized intestinal epithelium of P. cetinae is an adaptation against the low NaCl-concn. of its habitat, into which the sp. immigrated not earlier than in a relatively recent period.
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