Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 10851
Stankovic S, Komarek J (1927)
Die Suesswasser-Tricladen des Westbalkans und die zoogeographischen Probleme dieser Gegend.
Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 53, p. 591-674, 23 f., t. 7-9.

Abstract / Notes

The paper is a systematic, ecologic and zoogeographic study of the new freshwater triclad fauna of the
west-Balkan peninsula (Ochrid, Dalmatia, Bosnia etc.). The study of west-Balkan faunas (in particular the
triclad fauna) is urged as an aid to the solution of difficult zoogeographic problems. The rich triclad
population of the Ochrid lake region consists of Planaridae and Dendrocoelidae, and is considerably
divergent from that of central Europe. The dendrocoelids of Ochrid are richly pigmented with characteristic
body design, and for them the authors establish the genus Neodendrocoelum, with N. adenodactylosum; N.
maculatum; N. ochridense; N. st. naumi; and N. jablanicense, all from Yugoslavia. N. nausicaae (Dendrocoelum
n. O. Schmidt) is also referred to this genus, and 2 sexually immature forms probably referable
respectively to Af. maculatum and AT. st. naumi are figured, also from Yugoslavia. The new Planaridae belong
to the group of white planarians whose systematic position is not definitely determined, but which Komarek
previously divided into 2 genera, Albiplanaria and Fonticola.  Albiplanaria macedonica (Stankovi) new comb.;
Fonticola bosniaca (Stankovi) new comb.; F. dalmatica and F. ochridana, Yugoslavia; also F. olivacea
(Planaria o. Schmidt). 

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