Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 10871
Steinböck O (1951)
Turbellarienstudien am Lago Maggiore. I.
I. Inst Ital. Idrobiol. Dott. Marc 6:137-164

Abstract / Notes

A systematic list of the Turbellarian caught in the lake in 1949. As compared with those caught in 1942, the
number of the spp. is much less. 3 spp. of non-aquatic turbellarians caught in the zone near the lake are
mentioned, and some results and observations in relation to the sensitivity to the water stream, regeneration
and oligothermy of some spp. II. A systematic list of the Turbellaria caught in the lake in 1950. The
material is compared with that of 1949 and 1942. Two forms (Polycelis cornuta and Planaria alpina). living in
water were examined. 

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