Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 17269
Jones HD, Darlington JPEC, Newson RM (1990)
A new species of land planarian preying on termites in Kenya (Platyhelminthes: Turbellria: Tricladida: Terricola).
J Zool, London 220: 249-256

Abstract / Notes

A new species of land planarian is described from Kenya. Microplana termitophaga sp. nov. preys on termites by
capturing them at the openings to their nest. The pharnyx is unusually far forwards for a land planarian and
this is probably related to the active nature of the prey. There is an anterior depression caused by the
termination of parenchymal longitudinal muscle bundles which might act as a sucker. All specimens are
immature which leads to some difficulty in assigning the species to a genus.


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