Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 1825
Karling TG (1978)
Anatomy and systematics of marine Turbellaria from Bermuda.
Zool Scr 7:225-248.

Abstract / Notes

Plagiostomum girardi bermudensis subsp. nov., PSEUDOMINONA dactylifera gen. et sp. nov. (type species) Minona
peteraxi sp. nov., Proxenetes denhartogi sp. nov., P. mackfirae sp. nov., Itaipusa spinibursa sp. nov., I.
riegeri sp. nov., I. ruffinjonesi sp. nov., Utelga Uncinata sp. nov., Typhlopolycystis ischockaerti sp. nov.,
LimipolYcystis swedmarki sp. nov., BERMUDOHYNCHUS sterreri gen. et sp. nov. (type species) ANNALISELLA
bermudensis gen. et sp. nov. (type species) are described as new taxa. Additional notes are given on
Cylindrostoma monotrochum (Graff), Trigonostomum setigerum (O. Schmidt), Ceratopera paragracilis Ehlers et
Ax, Microvahine corallicola Karling, Mack-Fira et Dorjes, Polycystis naegelii Kolliker, Gyratrix
hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, Uncinorhynchus hamatus Brunet and on several related taxa. MINONINAE subfam. nov.
is nominated in the family Monocelididae. The taxonomy of the family Koinocystididae is partially revised.
Biogeographic comments are given on the marine tubellarian fauna of Bermuda.

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