Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 19293
Hofker J (1930)
Faunistische Beobachtungen in der Zuidersee während Trockenlegung.
Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere 18: 189-216

Abstract / Notes

On the shells of Hydrobia stagnalis lives a whole biocoenosis of unicellular organisms, incl. Cothurnia
innata, Stichotricha muelleri, Stentor auricula, Vaginicola hydrobiae, and Zoothamnium hydrobiae; larvae of
the polychaetes Streblospio dekhuyzeni, Polydora ciliata, Capitella capitata, Nereis diversicolor and Nerine
cirratulus. Two very remarkable turbellarian worms are described Alaurina composita (the Zuider Zee must be
regarded as the typical place of maximum development of this sp., which was also found in the northern seas
near Jutland by Brinkmann) ; and Stylochus flevensis, with 4 developmental stages discussed. This is the
most northern habitat of the genus Stylochus known. A list is given of all tropical or subtropical animals
and plants known from the Zuider Zee.

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