Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 20056
Gislen T (1944)
Zur Verbreitung und Oekologie von Rhynchodemus terrestris (O.F. Müller) mit Bemerkungen über Bitemporalität.
Arch. f. Hydrobiol. 40(3): 667-686

Abstract / Notes

The sp. is the most frequent one among the terrestrial triclads, occurring in Denmark, s. Sweden and the
British Isles as well as in s. Germany, the Balkans and in the Pyrenees, but there is a void in the n. German
lowlands, due evidently to the continental summer climate that intensifies the dryness of the sandy ground.
Near Lund R. terrestris was associated with many Gastropoda and Collembola. It is supposed that the sp. feeds
chiefly on the latter. Propagation seems to occur from May to September; it probably hibernates in the
southern parts of its area. In late spring and in autumn the sp. may be found in the upper layers of the
ground, in summer and in winter it descends into deeper strata according to humidity of the habitat. A sp.
behaving in that way is called ' 'bitemporal". With regard to the age they reach, perennial, annual, hiemal
and estival bitemporal types may be distinguished among the cryptozoic fauna.

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