Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 20709
Brusa F (2006)
Macrostomida (Platyhelminthes: Rhabditophora) from Argentina, with descriptions of two new species of Macrostomum and of stylet ultrastructure
Zoological Science (Tokyo) 23(10): 853-862

Abstract / Notes

In this work, two new species of the genus Macrostomum (M. velastylum n. sp. and M. puntapiedrensis n. sp.)
are described from the littoral benthos of the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina. This is the first
description of members of the Macrostomidae from Argentina, and of a species documented from both limnic and
brackish-water environments. Macrostomum velastylum differs from its congeners in the fine details of its
stylet, which are described using a new technique for stylet isolation and observation (scanning electron
microscope). This method provides new information on stylet structure relative to traditional whole-mount
techniques. Macrostomum puntapiedrensis differs from others species of the M. orthostylum group in the length
and morphology of the distal tip of the stylet. Further details are provided on additional macrostomids from
Argentina, including potential conspecifics of M. vejdovskyi, M. viride, and M. lineare.

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