Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 21041
Hall SR (1931)
Observations on Euglena leucops, sp. nov., a parasite of Stenostomum, with special reference to nuclear division.
Biol Bull 60(3): 327-344

Abstract / Notes

Stenostomum predatorium and S. carnivorum were found susceptible to this parasite. Other species of this
did not become infected. E. leucops has the stigma and bifurcated flagellum peculiar to the Euglenidae.
is only an incomplete flagellum present when the organism is within the host. The vestigial flagellum does
not extend beyond the cytostome at this time. When, however, the flagellate is removed from the host, its
flagellum becomes full-sized within 10 minutes. The parasite within the host moves in an euglenoid manner;
when outside the host it travels by means of its flagellum and is negatively phototropic. The host is
likewise negatively phototropic. That both the free parasite and host are negatively phototropic make for
adaptation leading to the parasite's finding the host. At division the stigma divides more or less equally.
mitosis occurs in which the chromosomes assemble about an endosome. The slender rod-shaped chromosomes
transversely at the metaphase. A study, carried on for over a year, revealed no method of cell
other than mitotic division. Osmotic pressure apparently may initiate and accelerate cell division. No
evidence of encystation was observed.

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