Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 21073
Arndt W (1926)
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Land- und Susswasserfauna Korsikas. I. Ergebnisse der Dr. Paul Schottlander-Lehrexpedition des Jahres 1914. 2. Turbellaria.
Mitteil Zool Ms Berlin 12(2): 218-222

Abstract / Notes

Two limnophilous species, Planaria lugubris O. Schm., and P. torva M. Schultze, were taken in swampy habitats near Ajaccio. The latter was represented by a single specimen which varied from the normal in that the muscular gland organ opened posterior to, instead of into, the atrium, and the stalk of the uterus entered the atrium from behind, instead of from the side. Since only one specimen was obtained, it could not be decided whether these were chance variations or whether the species presents a distinct variety in Corsica. The rheophilous triclads taken were: Planaria gonocephala Duges, common in all the larger brooks, P. alpina Dana f. typica, found in only 2 places, and P. alpina Dana v. Corsica Arndt, abundant in springs and headwaters of brooks. The Corsican specimens of P. gonocephala differed from the typical specimens of middle Europe in that the outer zone of cyanophilous glands of the pharynx was lacking and in many, but not all, individuals a circular fold divided the atrium. These are not regarded as sufficient basis for establishing a new variety.


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