Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 2140
Karling TG (1985)
Revision of Byrsophlebidae (Turbellaria Typhloplanoida).
Ann Zool Fennici 22:105-116.

Abstract / Notes

The systematics of the family Byrsophlebidae is revised on the basis of supplementary and correcting remarks
on the structure of some Byrsophelbidae, especially Byrsophlebs graffi Jensen and Maehrenthalia agilis von
Graff. The genera Byrsophlebs Jensen, Maehrenthalia von Graff. MAEHRENTHALIELLA gen. nov. [type species: B.
intermedia von Graff, 1882] and PARABYRSOPHLEBS gen. nov. [type species: Maehrenthalia coeca Luther, 1948]
are diagnosed. Functional and terminological remarks are made on the structure of the genital organs in the
Turbellaria with special reference to Byrsophlebidae, Maehrenthalia agilis is new for the Pacific Ocean.

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