Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 22006
Rogozin AG (2007)
New species of Turbellaria (Neorhabdocoela) in the Ural fauna. [In Russian, English Abstract]
Zoologeskia Zhournal 86(11):1-8

Abstract / Notes

Three species of the genus Castrada O. Schmidt 1861 (C. borealis Steinbock 1931, C. instructa Hofsten 1907, C. lanceola (Braun 1885) Luther 1904) and two species of the genus Dalyellia Gieysztor 1938 (D. penicilla (Braun 1885) and D. scoparia (Schmidt 1858)) were described in the Ural fauna for the first time. At the present time, the Urals is the eastern boundary of the distribution of C. borealis, C. instructa, D. penicilla, and D. sco- paria. The range C. lanceola, earlier known from Europe and Western Siberia, appears to be continuous. The species of the genus Dalyellia is not only European one.

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