Author Title Journal |
Grau JH, Sluys R, Froehlich EM, Carbayo F (2012) Reflections on the genus Amaga Ogren and Kawakatsu 1990, and description of a new genus of land planarian (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Geoplanidae) Journal of Natural History 46: 1529-1546 [doi: 10.1080/00222933.2012.691996 goto] |
Abstract / Notes
"Amaga amagensis, the type species of the genus Amaga, and Amaga bogotensis are re-described. Detailed analysis__of the morphology of A. amagensis revealed important taxonomic features, such as testes located dorsally to__the supraintestinal parenchymal muscular layer, and secretory accumulations opening through the lateral__margins of the body. These characters, as well as other morphological features, are discussed, culminating in__an emendation of the generic diagnosis of Amaga. Amaga bogotensis exhibits a characteristic set of__morphological features, namely an eversible penis, a male atrium lined with large musculosecretory papillae,__and independent muscular coats around both male and female atrium. Therefore, a new genus is proposed for this__species."
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