Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 2738
Ogren RE (1955)
Ecological observations on the occurrence of Rhynchodemus, a terrestrial turbellarian.
Trans Amer Microsc. Soc. 74:54-60.

Abstract / Notes

R. sylvaticus Leidy 1851, usually considered rare, was found in Illinois and New York, inhabiting shaded black
silt loam soil. Collection methods (1) a board was placed over moist soil and the underside observed the day
following rainfall or addition of a quart of water; (2) moist soil samples were placed in a covered glass
container and warmed over a lamp. The worms were collected from the lid. During the summer, planarians were
active above the surface in numbers directly proportional to rainfall and soil moisture, but inversely
proportional to temperature. Abundance of the worms decreased from June to September. The maximum abundance
of 2-8 triclads per ft.2 was in June and July. Planarians survived 26-90 days in laboratory culture. The land
planarians overwintered in the soil, matured and deposited egg capsules in June and July.

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