Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 2913
Hyman LH (1939)
Acoel and polyclad Turbellaria from Bermuda and the Sargassum.
Bull Bingham Oceanogr Coll 7:1-26 + 9 pl. [1-36?]

Abstract / Notes

In the Acoela there are descr. Amphiscolops bermudensis from rooted seaweeds and A. sargassi from the
Sargassum. As regards Polycladida, the chief task was the refinding of Verrill's spp. and their allocation to
the proper genera. Verrill's spp. Leptoplana lactoalba and Discocelis binoculata belong to the genus
Notoplana; his Trigonoporus microps is a Cestoplana and his Discocelis cyclops is a Prosthiostomum. There are
notes on 2 common Sargassum polyclads, Hoploplana grubei and Gnesioceros sargassicola, and a descr. of G. s.
variety lata, from rooted seaweeds. Thysanozoon nigrum Girard 1854 is fully descr. for the first time and
"Planaria" notulata Bosc 1801, from the Sargassum, probably the smallest known polyclad, is found to be an
Acerotisa. There are descr. of Thysanozoon flavotuberculatum and Pseudoceros crozieri, and the copulatory
apparatus of Pseudoceros aureolineata Verrill is figured.

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