Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 2926
Marcus EvDB-R (1955)
On Turbellaria and Polygordius from the Brazilian coast.
Bol Fac Fil Ci Letr Univ Sao Paulo Zool 20:19-53.

Abstract / Notes

Detailed descriptions, with notes on occurrence and behavior, of Convoluta cenata, in plankton; PUITECA camica
(Procerodidae, Micropharynginae), with algae in which crustaceans and prosobranchs also occurred;
Rhynchodermus hectori? R. schubarti R. scius, under bricks; Stylochus isifer, on piles of a pier; Pseudoceros
(Acanthozoon) hispidus, among algae on stones of upper littoral; Eurylepta neptis, under stones in the upper
littoral; and Polygordius leo, on stones. An annotated list of 30 Rhynchodemus spp. is given, with reference,
locality, and brief descriptive notes for each.

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