Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 2927
Marcus EvDB-R (1958)
On South American Turbellaria.
An. Acad. bras. Ciênc. 30: 391-417.

Abstract / Notes

Yagua, (Rhabdocoela, Typhloplanidae, Protoplanellinae) with the type sp. Y. lutheri, is based on material
collected near Lima, Peru. An undescribed sp. of Rhynchodemus (Tricladida, Terricola) came from northern
Peru. This is the 1st record of a species of this genus as occurring in Peru. Incapora weyrauchi Marcus, 1953
was collected in central Peru. Geoplana larna Marcus, 1957 came from central Peru. G. lambaya and G. lareta
are based on specimens from northern Peru. G. irua G. chilihua and G. guenua are based on specimens collected
in central Peru. The above forms were all collected by W. K. Weyrauch. Stylochus catus (Polycladida,
Acotylea, Craspedommata, Stylochidae) and Stylochoplana lynca (Polyclodida Acotylea, Schematommata,
Leptoplanidae) are based on Brazilian material collected by Marcus.

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