Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 5507
Kepner W, Stiff M (1932)
Observations upon the American representative of Macrostomum tuba.
J Morphol 54:221-230

Abstract / Notes

What appears to be a var. of M. tuba is descr. There is but a single retinula in each eye. This visual cell
displays 3 regions: rhabdome, ellipsoid, and myoid, as does a vertebrate's retinula. Moreover, the accessory
pigment associated with the retinula of M. tuba is applied to the rhabdome and not to the ellipsoid and
myoid; this likewise is similar to the distribution of the pigment about the vertebrate's retinula. An
analogy, therefore, may be drawn between the visual cell of the rhabdocoele and that of the vertebrate. This
is so strong as to suggest homology. Features peculiar to this variety are: 1st, the chitinous, distal ring
of the penis; 2nd, the fact that shell and yolk droplets seem to be elaborated by each cell destined to
become an oocyte. 


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