Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 7008
Steinböck O (1927)
Monographie der Prorhynchidae (Turbellaria).
Z Morphol Ökol Tiere 8: 538-662

Abstract / Notes

This monograph reviews the morphology and histology of this family and attempts a partial revision of the
group. The species described are Prorhynchus stagnalis M. Schultze, P. putealis Has., P. haswelli Steinb. &
Reis.,P. hastatus Steinb., P. alpinus Steinb., P. ponticus, Bulgaria, P. fontinalis Vejd.,
Geocentrophora sphyrocephala De Man, G. applanata (Kennel), G. metameroides (Beauch.) and G. baltica (Ken.).

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