Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 7146
Westblad E (1953)
Marine Macrostomida (Turbellaria) from Scandinavia and England.
Ark Zool (Ser. 2) 4(23):391-408

Abstract / Notes

Four spp. of the genus Macrostomum and one sp. of Paromalostomum have been found up to now on the Scandinavian
west coast, and 2 Macrostomum spp. on the coasts of England, all of them previously known from different
parts of the Baltic (Tvarminne, Kiel). Only 1 of the Macrostomum spp., M. pusillum. is common under purely
marine conditions, while the other spp. (M. appendiculatum, M. curvituba, M. balticum and M. rubrocinctum)
seem to prefer brackish (and calm) water. Six spp. of the genus Microstomum are found on the Scandinavian
west coast, 2 of them-M. spirtferum and M. hamatum-new to science (the latter species eventually identical
with M. trichotum Marcus, descr. from the coast of Brazil), and found by the author also on the coasts of
England (M. rubromaculatum besides being formerly known from the coasts of Ireland). M. spiriferum and M.
hamatum are sublittoral forms, living on mud bottoms (the latter also found on sand bottoms). This is also
valid for M. (?) jenseni, while the other microstomum spp.[long dash]M. septentrionale, M. rubromaculatum and
M. papillosum[long dash]are genuine littoral forms, generally living among brown algae at the shores.


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