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Ax P (1954) Die Turbellarienfauna des Küstengrundwassers am Finnischen Meerbusen. Acta Zool Fenn 81: 1-54 |
Abstract / Notes
Collections were made particularly on the shores at Henriksberg and Lappvik. The salt content of the free water in these localities is 5-6 parts per thousand; at a distance of 2-3 meters landward the salt content of the ground water may be as low as 1.2 parts per thousand. Collections from these localities contained 21 spp.: Macrostomum curvituba Luther, M. hamatum Luther, Coelogynopora schulzii Meixner, C. hangoensis Karling,Minona baltica Karling and Kinnander, Bothriomolus balticus Meixner, Otoplana subterranea Ax, Phylosyrtis fennica from Lappvik, Provortex balticus (M. Schultze), Provortex karlingi Ax, Vejdovskya ignava Ax, V. mesostyla from Lappvik, HAPLOVEJDOVSKAYA subterranea (Provorticidae) from Hango, Henriksberg, Lappvik, and Kallvik, Promesostoma marmoratum (M. Schultze), Coronhelmis lutheri Ax, C. urna from Lappvik, STYGOKPLANELLINA holophila (Typhloplanidae) from Lappvik, Gyratrix hermaphroditus (Ehrenberg), Placorhynchus otaculatus Karling, Prognathorhynchus canaliculatus Karling, Diascorhynchus serpens Karling, D. lappvikensis Karling. Four ecologic groups are recognized: (a) Euryhaline and eurotopic marine inhabitants occurring only occasionally in the coastal ground water[long dash]Promeostoma marmoratum, Provortex balticus, Gyratrix hermaphroditus. (b) Euryhaline species of the fine-sand beach[long dash]Bothriomolus balticus, Diascorhynchus serpens, Provortex karlingi and elsewhere also Promesostoma cochlearis and Coelogynopora biarmata. (c) True brackish water forms: Macrostomum curvituba, Minona baltica, Coronhelmis lutheri, and Prognathorhynchus canaliculatus. (d) Specific inhabitants of the coastal ground water[long dash]Coelogynopora schulzii, Otoplana subterranea. The identified species are 32% euryhaline and 68% brackish-water spp.
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