Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 8115
Abraham A, Moedlinger G (1930)
Die Planarien des Matra-Gebirges.
Zool Anz 90:121-127, 1f

Abstract / Notes

Planaria alpina and P. gonocephala are 2 spp. found in springs and creeks. Egg. cocoons of P. alpina were
found in September, contrary to general opinion that they reproduce in winter only. In the springs of the
higher peaks (926 m.) white specimens of P. alpina are common. In the springs of the highest peak of
Kekesberg (1014 m.) no planarians are found. In the higher and colder springs P. alpina dominates, in lower
and warmer springs, P. gonocephala. There were no intermediate Polycelis cornuta, as in Higher Tatra
mountains. Approximate extremes of temperature for P. alpina are 6 degrees and 13.5 degrees C. and for P.
gonocephala, 11 degrees and 17.5 degrees C. The vertical limits for P. alpina are 452-958 m. and for P.
gonocephala, 325-785 m. P. alpina cannot be considered as fauna relicta.


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