Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 9951
Marcus EvDB-R (1953)
Some South American Triclads.
Anai Acad Brasileira de Ciencias 25 (1):65-78

Abstract / Notes

The common triclad of Lake Titicaca is identified as Dugesia festai (Borelli) 1898 and a descr. is given.
Contrary to Beauchamp, this sp. is regarded as distinct from Planaria aurita Kennel. Bipalium kewense is
recorded from outdoor localities in Argentina and Peru. Rhynchodemus graetzi is descr. from Panama and
compared with other Rhynchodemus spp. of the region. A new rhynchodemid genus INCAPORA with sp. weyrauchi is
created for a worm from Peru having 2 ducts leading from the ventral surface behind the gonopore to the
posterior intestinal rami; a transverse anastomosis between these rami connects with the common ovovitelline

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