Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 9973
Brandtner P (1935)
Eine neue marine Triclade, zugleich eine Studie ueber die Turbellarien des Rycks.
Zeitschr Morph u Oekol d Tiere 29:472-480

Abstract / Notes

Sabussowia punctata (p.472) is descr. in detail. Peculiarities are: the few testes, the single pair of
branches of the anterior ramus of the intestine, reduced bursa. Unlike S. dioica, the sp. is hermaphroditic,
although strongly protandrous. The species has characters intermediate between the Cercyrinae and the
Procerodinae, especially between the genera Foviella and Sabussowia. Inclusion of this sp. in Sabussowia
necessitates revision of the generic definition. The sp. lives in the Ryck (Denmark) among the alga
Enteromorpha, in brackish water; it is found only in summer at which time eggs are laid. It is associated
with other marine and fresh-water Turbellaria.

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