Turbellarian taxonomic database


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[Red-highlighted taxa are synonyms; click '(syn)' links to see the valid taxa.]
[Green-highlighted taxa are otherwise ill-defined or of uncertain position]
[spp links will show a simplified listing of valid species grouped by family]
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Bilateria (Main hierarchy)
Nephrozoa       Jondelius, Ruiz-Trillo, Baguna, & Riutort, 2002
Platyhelminthes       Minot, 1876
Rhabditophora       Ehlers, 1985
Trepaxonemata       Ehlers, 1984
Amplimatricata       Egger, Lapraz, Tomiczek, et al., 2015
Polycladida       Lang, 1884 [sensu Faubel 1983/1984]
Acotylea       Lang, 1884
Leptoplanoidea       Faubel, 1984
Leptoplanidae       Stimpson, 1857
Leptoplana       Ehrenberg, 1831
gigas       Schmarda, 1859

Current synonymy:

Centrostomum gigas (Schmarda, 1859) synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Discoplana gigas Schmarda, 1859 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Discoplana subviridis Plehn, 1896 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Euplana gigas (Schmarda, 1859) synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Euplana subviridus (Plehn, 1896) synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Susakia badiomaculata Kato, 1934 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Susakia subviridis (Plehn, 1896) synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Leptoplana gigas Schmarda, 1859 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Leptoplana subviridis Plehn, 1896 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Leptoplana gigas Schmarda, 1859 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Leptoplana lactea (Stimpson, 1857) synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Leptoplana subviridis Plehn, 1896 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Euplana gigas (Schmarda, 1859) synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Discoplana gigas Schmarda, 1859 synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Discoplana subviridis (Plehn, 1896) synonym of Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) (no ref.)
Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859) accepted name

Currently accepted as Ilyella gigas (Schmarda, 1859)

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