Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Laidlaw FF 1906 index card avail.
On the marine fauna of the Cape Verde Islands, from collections made in 1904 by Mr C. Crossland. -- The polyclad Turbellaria. Proc Zool Soc London 1906:705-719
Leptoplana graffii Laidlaw, 1906 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 708-709, Text fig 111
Stylochoplana graffi (Laidlaw, 1906) - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Stylochoplaninae Zygantroplana Laidlaw, 1906 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 709
Zygantroplana verrilli Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 709-, Plate III, figs. 1-2
Latocestus plehni Laidlaw, 1906 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 711-712, Text fig. 112
Boniniidae Traunfelsia Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 714-718
Traunfelsia elongata Laidlaw, 1906 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 714-718, Plate LII, figs. 4-5 and Text-fig. 113
Prosthiostomum species (3) Laidlaw, 1906 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 714
Zygantroplana verrilli Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 709
Traunfelsia elongata Laidlaw, 1906 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 714
Boniniidae Traunfelsia Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Ilyplanidae Zygantroplana Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Zygantroplana verilli Laidlaw, 1906 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Leptoplana graffii Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Stylochoplana graffi (Laidlaw, 1906) [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Latocestus plehni Laidlaw, 1906 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Boniniidae Traunfelsia Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Traunfelsia elongata Laidlaw, 1906 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Thysanozoon brocchii cruciatum var. Laidlaw, 1906 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Planocera graffi Lang, 1879 - other research on this sp.