Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Ogren RE, Kawakatsu M 1991    Index to species of the family Geoplanidae (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Terricola). Part II: Caenoplaninae and Pelmatoplaninae. Bull Fuji Wom Coll, Ser II 29:25-102
Bipalium glandulosa (de Beauchamp, 1925) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Artioposthia howesi (Dendy, 1901) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 39
Australopacifica adae (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority 41-42
Australopacifica albolineata (Steel, 1897) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica alfordensis (Dendy, 1896) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica antarctica (Dendy, 1909) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica arenicola (Steel, 1900) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica atrata (Steel, 1897) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica aucklandica (Dendy, 1901) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica aurantia (Whitehouse, 1914) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica austiniana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 43
Australopacifica balfouri (Graff, 1899) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica barringtonensis (Wood, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica bicolor (Graff, 1899) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica bimaculata (Kaburaki, 1922) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica blomefieldi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 43
Australopacifica castanea (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 44
Australopacifica challengeri (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 44
Australopacifica chamissoniana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 44
Australopacifica citrina (Wood, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica comitatis (Dendy, 1915) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica cooperi (Dendy, 1901) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica coxii (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) w latest taxonomic authority 44
Australopacifica cucullata (Dendy, 1896) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica daemeli (Graff, 1899) w latest taxonomic authority 44
Australopacifica dakini (Dendy, 1915) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica dendyi (Spencer, 1891) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 44-45
Australopacifica dietrichiana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 45
Australopacifica dubia (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica eschscholtziana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica fagicola (Dendy, 1901) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 45
Australopacifica flavimarginata (Dendy, 1896) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica flavilineata (Dendy, 1915) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica flynni (Dendy, 1915) w latest taxonomic authority 45-46
Australopacifica frosti (Spencer, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority 46
Australopacifica fuscodorsalis (Steel, 1900) w latest taxonomic authority 46
Australopacifica gamblei (Graff, 1898) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 46
Australopacifica gelatinosa (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 46
Australopacifica graminicola (Steel, 1900) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 46
Australopacifica greeni (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 46-47
Australopacifica gregoryana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 47
Australopacifica grubei (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 47
Australopacifica guentheri (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica hamiltoni (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 47
Australopacifica hillii (Steel, 1897) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica himalayensis (Whitehouse, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 47
Australopacifica hoggii (Dendy, 1891) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica howitti (Dendy, 1891) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 48
Australopacifica humberti (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica huttoni (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica ijimai (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica inflata (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 48
Australopacifica iris (Dendy, 1896) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica jacksoniana (Dendy, 1896) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 49
Australopacifica korotneffi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 49
Australopacifica kotzebueana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 49
Australopacifica krausi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 49
Australopacifica laingii (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica lapidicola (Stimpson, 1857) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica lateropunctata (Dendy, 1901) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica latissima (Dendy, 1896) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica leichhardtiana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 50
Australopacifica leuckarti (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica lucasi (Dendy, 1891) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica lyra (Steel, 1900) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica maculosa (Whitehouse, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica martensi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica mediolineata (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica melanochroa (Steel, 1900) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica meridionalis (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 51
Australopacifica metschnikoffi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica minor (Dendy, 1892) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica mmahoni (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica moebiusi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica mortoni (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica muelleriana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica nichollsi (Dendy, 1915) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica ornata (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica parva (Steel, 1897) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica ponderosa (Steel, 1897) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica pulverulenta (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica purpurea (Dendy, 1894) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica quadrangulata (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica regina (Dendy, 1892) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica robusta (Steel, 1897) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica rotunda (Whitehouse, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica rouxiana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 54
Australopacifica sarasiniana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica scaphoidea (Steel, 1900) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 55
Australopacifica semoniana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica sowerbyi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Australopacifica spectabilis (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica splendens (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica striata (Whitehouse, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 56
Australopacifica subpallida (Hyman, 1939) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica subviridis (Moseley, 1877) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 56
Australopacifica sugdeni (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica sulphurea (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica tasmaniana (Darwin, 1844) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica tenuis (Dendy, 1894) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica treubi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica trifasciata (Steel, 1897) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 58
Australopacifica typhlops (Dendy, 1894) w latest taxonomic authority 58
Australopacifica variegata (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica ventropunctata (Dendy, 1892) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica virgata (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica viridis (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica walhallae (Dendy, 1891) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica warragulensis (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica wellingtoni (Dendy, 1892) w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica willeyi (Busson, 1903) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 60-61
Australopacifica zebra (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Caenoplanini Caenoplana Moseley, 1877 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 61
Caenoplana alba (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority
Caenoplana graffi (Froehlich, 1959) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Caenoplana micholitzi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Caenoplana sieboldi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Caenoplana steinboecki (Haslauer-Gamisch, 1982) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Caenoplanini Elattodemus Haslauer-Gamisch, 1982 w latest taxonomic authority
Endeavouria septemlineata (Hyman, 1939) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia ashleyi (Fyfe, 1953) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia circularis (Fyfe, 1956) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia cookiana (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia cyanea (Fyfe, 1956) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia marrineri (Dendy, 1910) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia quadrilineata (Haslauer-Gamisch, 1982) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia ranuii (Fyfe, 1953) w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia renschi (Haslauer-Gamisch, 1982) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Newzealandia agricola (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Newzealandia graffii (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Newzealandia inaequalistriata (Dendy, 1895) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Newzealandia inaequabilis (Fyfe, 1956) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Newzealandia iris (Dendy, 1896) w latest taxonomic authority
Newzealandia moseleyi (Hutton, 1880) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana quinquelineata Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888 w latest taxonomic authority 53
Beauchampius bangoianus (de Beauchamp, 1939) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Beauchampius coonoorensis (de Beauchamp, 1930) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Beauchampius crassus (de Beauchamp, 1939) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Beauchampius dawydoffi (de Beauchamp, 1939) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Beauchampius indosinicus (de Beauchamp, 1939) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Beauchampius nilgiriensis (Whitehouse, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Beauchampius sarasinorum (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii otiraensis Dendy, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii occidentalis Dendy, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii nodosa Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii nigrescens Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii clintonensis Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii angusta Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii wharekauriensis Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii somersii Dendy, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana graffii castanea Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Rhynchodeminae Caenoplanini Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 35
Caenoplanini Australopacifica Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 41
Caenoplanini Endeavouria Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Caenoplanini Newzealandia Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Rhynchodeminae Pelmatoplanini Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Pelmatoplanini Beauchampius Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 89
Artioposthia triangulata (Dendy, 1895) w other taxonomic work 41
Geoplana jacksoniana Dendy, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority 49
Caenoplanini Artioposthia Graff, 1896 w other taxonomic work 35
Artioposthia adelaidensis (Dendy, 1892) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 35
Coleocephalus fuscus Fyfe, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Artioposthia diemenensis (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 37-38
Artioposthia australis (Dendy, 1894) w other taxonomic work 36-37
Geoplana triangulata australis Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 37-38
Artioposthia exulans (Dendy, 1901) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 38
Artioposthia fletcheri (Dendy, 1891) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 38
Artioposthia glandulosa Fyfe, 1956 w latest taxonomic authority 39
Artioposthia harrisoni (Wood, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority 39
Geoplana howesi Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority 39
Artioposthia japonica Kaburaki, 1922 w latest taxonomic authority 39
Artioposthia mariae (Dendy, 1895) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 39-40
Artioposthia polyadoides (Fyfe, 1956) w latest taxonomic authority 40
Artioposthia suteri (Dendy, 1896) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 40-41
Australopacifica adae extralineata (Dendy, 1891) w latest taxonomic authority 41
Geoplana alfordensis Dendy, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority 42
Geoplana antarctica Dendy, 1909 w latest taxonomic authority 42
Geoplana arenicola Steel, 1900 w latest taxonomic authority 42
Geoplana atrata Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 42
Geoplana aucklandica Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority 42, 81-82
Geoplana austiniana Schröder, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority 43
Geoplana albolineata Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 42
Geoplana barringtonensis Wood, 1926 w latest taxonomic authority 43
Geoplana variegata Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888 w latest taxonomic authority 43, 59
Geoplana bicolor Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 43
Geoplana bimaculata Kaburaki, 1922 w latest taxonomic authority 43
Pelmatoplana blomefieldi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 43
Pelmatoplana buettneri Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 43
Australopacifica buettneri (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 43
Artioposthia castanea Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 44
Geoplana challengeri Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 44
Geoplana citrina Wood, 1926 w latest taxonomic authority 44
Geoplana comitatis Dendy, 1915 w latest taxonomic authority 44
Geoplana cooperi Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority 44
Geoplana dendyi Spencer, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 44-45
Geoplana eschscholtziana Schröder, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority 45
Geoplana fagicola Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority 45
Geoplana flavimarginata Dendy, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority 45
Geoplana flavilineata Dendy, 1915 w latest taxonomic authority 45
Geoplana sp. Dendy, 1892 - latest taxonomic authority 46
Geoplana frosti Spencer, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 46
Geoplana graminicola Steel, 1900 w latest taxonomic authority 46
Pelmatoplana guentheri Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 47
Geoplana hamiltoni Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 47
Geoplana hoggii Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 47
Pelmatoplana humberti Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 48
Geoplana huttoni Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 48
Pelmatoplana ijimai Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 48
Pelmatoplana inflata Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 48
Geoplana korotneffi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 49
Kontikia korotneffi (Graff, 1899) w latest taxonomic authority 49
Pelmatoplana kotzebueana Schröder, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority 49
Geoplana krausi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 49
Geoplana laingii Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 49
Geoplana lapidicola Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority 49
Geoplana lateropunctata Dendy, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority 49
Geoplana latissima Dendy, 1896 w latest taxonomic authority 49-50
Geoplana leichhardtiana Schröder, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority 50
Geoplana leuckarti Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 50
Geoplana lucasi Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 50
Geoplana dovei Steel, 1900 w latest taxonomic authority
Pelmatoplana maculosa Whitehouse, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Pelmatoplana martensi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana mediolineata Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 50-51
Geoplana lyra Steel, 1900 w latest taxonomic authority 50
Geoplana melanochroa Steel, 1900 w latest taxonomic authority 51
Geoplana subquadrangulata Dendy, 1895 w latest taxonomic authority 51
Geoplana meridionalis Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 51
Geoplana metschnikoffi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 51
Geoplana mmahoni Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 51
Geoplana minor Dendy, 1892 w latest taxonomic authority 51
Geoplana mortoni Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 52
Geoplana nichollsi Dendy, 1915 w latest taxonomic authority 52
Geoplana ornata Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888 w latest taxonomic authority 52
Geoplana parva Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 52
Geoplana ponderosa Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 52
Geoplana pulverulenta Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 52-53
Geoplana purpurea Dendy, 1895 w latest taxonomic authority 53
Geoplana quadrangulata Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 53
quinquelineata accentuata Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 54
Geoplana regina Dendy, 1892 w latest taxonomic authority 54
Geoplana robusta Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 54
Pelmatoplana rotunda Whitehouse, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority 54
Geoplana rouxiana Schröder, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority 54
Caenoplana sanguinea Moseley, 1877 w latest taxonomic authority 54
Geoplana rubicunda Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888 w latest taxonomic authority 54
Geoplana sanguinea Moseley, 1877 w latest taxonomic authority
Geoplana sarasiniana Schröder, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority 55
Geoplana elegans (1) Schultze & Müller, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority 55
Geoplana elegans (2) Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 55
Geoplana sowerbyi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 55-56
Australopacifica sowerbyi (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 55-56
Geoplana spectabilis Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 56
Geoplana splendens Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 56
Pelmatoplana striata Whitehouse, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority 56
Geoplana subpallida Hyman, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority 56
Geoplana subviridis Moseley, 1877 w latest taxonomic authority 56
Caenoplana subviridis (Moseley, 1877) w other taxonomic work 56
Geoplana sugdeni Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 56
Geoplana tenuis Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 58
Pelmatoplana treubi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 58
Geoplana trifasciata Steel, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority 58
Geoplana typhlops Dendy, 1894 w latest taxonomic authority 58-59
Geoplana ventropunctata Dendy, 1892 w latest taxonomic authority 59
Geoplana viridis Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888 w latest taxonomic authority 59-60
Geoplana walhallae Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 60
Geoplana warragulensis Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 60
Geoplana quadrangulata wellingtoni Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority
Pelmatoplana willeyi Busson, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority 60
Geoplana zebra Schröder, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority 61
Geoplana alba Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 61
Geoplana alba roseolineata Dendy, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 61
Geoplana sanguinea alba Dendy, 1892 w latest taxonomic authority 61
Caenoplana chapmani Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1988 w latest taxonomic authority 62
Caenoplana coerulea coerulea Moseley, 1877 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 62
Geoplana coerulea (Moseley, 1877) w latest taxonomic authority 62-63
Caenoplana sanguinea sanguinea Moseley, 1877 w latest taxonomic authority 66
Caenoplana sanguinea alba Dendy 1891 w latest taxonomic authority 66
Geoplana sieboldi Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 66-67
Geoplanoidea Geoplanidae Stimpson, 1857 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Artioposthia civis Cardale, 1941 w latest taxonomic authority
Australopacifica sanguinea (Moseley, 1877) w latest taxonomic authority 54-55
Geoplana spenceri Dendy, 1889 w latest taxonomic authority
Kontikia andersoni Jones, 1981 w other taxonomic work 79
Geoplana ashleyi Fyfe, 1953 w other taxonomic work 79
Geoplana assimilis Graff, 1899 w other taxonomic work 79
Kontikia assimilis (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 79
Kontikia bulbosa Sluys, 1983 w other taxonomic work 79-80
Geoplana canaliculata Graff, 1899 w other taxonomic work 80
Geoplana cookiana Schröder, 1924 w other taxonomic work 80
Kontikia forsterorum (Schröder, 1924) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 80-81
Kontikia kenneli (Graff, 1899) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 81
Geoplana mexicana Hyman, 1939 w other taxonomic work 82
Kontikia sp. Marcus & Marcus, 1959 - other taxonomic work 82
Geoplana nasuta Loman, 1890 w other taxonomic work 82-83
Kontikia (Kontikia) orana Froehlich, 1955 w other taxonomic work 83
Kontikia ranuii (Fyfe, 1953) w other taxonomic work 83
Platydemus renschi Haslauer-Gamisch, 1982 w other taxonomic work 84
Geoplana whartoni Gulliver, 1879 w other taxonomic work 84-85
Geoplana iris Dendy, 1896 w other taxonomic work 87
Geoplana moseleyi Hutton, 1880 w other taxonomic work 88
Pimea monticola Winsor, 1991 w other taxonomic work 88
Rhynchodemini Platydemus (Graff, 1896) w latest taxonomic authority 88-89
Platydemus quadrilineatus Haslauer-Gamisch, 1982 w latest taxonomic authority 89
Timymini Timyma Froehlich, 1978 w other taxonomic work 89
Timyma juliae Froehlich, 1978 w other taxonomic work 89
Geoplanidae Pelmatoplaninae Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 26, 33, 89
Geoplanidae Caenoplaninae Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1991 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 26, 28-30
Pelmatoplana bangoiana de Beauchamp, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority 89
Pelmatoplana coonoorensis de Beauchamp, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority 89
Pelmatoplana crassus de Beauchamp, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority 89-90
Pelmatoplana dawydoffi de Beauchamp, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority 90
Pelmatoplana indosinicus de Beauchamp, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority 90
Pelmatoplana sondaica (Loman, 1890) w latest taxonomic authority 90-91
Pelmatoplana trimeni Graff, 1899 w latest taxonomic authority 91
Pelmatoplana sp. (Vietnam) Beauchamp 1939 - latest taxonomic authority 95
Australopacifica sp. (Malaysia) Beauchamp, 1940 [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority 95
Dugesia absoloni (Komarek, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 98
Caenoplana purpurea (Dendy, 1894) [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.