Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Gamble FW 1893 index card avail.
British Marine Turbellaria. Contributions to a knowledge of British marine Turbellaria. Quart J Microsc Sci, April, 1893, (34) pp 433-528
Plagiostomum pseudomaculatum (Gamble, 1893) w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 474
Cylindrostoma elongatum (Levinsen, 1879) w other taxonomic work
Polycystis naegelii Kölliker, 1845 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 462, t. 39, f. 5; t. 40, f. 15
Plagiostomum sulphureum Graff, 1882 w other taxonomic work 472, t. 41, f. 20
Plagiostomum dioicum (Mecznikow, 1865) w other taxonomic work 471, t. 40, f. 11
Plagiostomum siphonophorum (Schmidt, 1852) w other taxonomic work 477
Plagiostomum vittatum (Frey & Leuckart, 1847) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 475
Monoophorum elongatum Gamble, 1879 w other taxonomic work 485, t. 41, f. 19
Automolos ophiocephalus (Schmidt, 1861) w other research on this sp. 492-493