Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Reuter M, Raikova OI, Gustafsson MKS 2001  abs. Patterns in the nervous and muscle systems in lower flatworms. Belg J Zool 131 (Suppl 1): 47-53
Acoelomorpha Nemertodermatida Karling, 1940 w other research on this sp. 47-53
Platyhelminthes Catenulida Meixner, 1924 w other research on this sp. 47-53
Platyhelminthes Rhabditophora Ehlers, 1985 w other research on this sp. 47-53
Acoelomorpha Acoela Uljanin, 1870 w other research on this sp. 47-53