Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Nasonov NV 1925 index card avail.
Turbellarian Fauna of the Kola Penninsula. [Sur la faune des Turbellaria de la peninsule de Kola.] [In Russian] Bull. Acad. Sci. Russia, Series 6, 19: 53-74
Dalyellia arctica Nasonov, 1923 w latest taxonomic authority
Dalyellia mollosovi Nasonov, 1920 w latest taxonomic authority
Provortex sphagnorum (Sekera, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Dalyellia bicornis Nasonov, 1925 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Dalyellia brevispina marituica Nasonov, 1926 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Dalyellia oligochaeta karisalmica Nasonov, 1926 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Microdalyellia bicornis (Nasonov, 1926) [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Olisthanella truncula lucida Nasonov, 1926 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Typhloplanella arctica (Nasonov, 1923) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 68
Typhloplanella septentrionalis (Nasonov, 1925) [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 56, 59, 68-69, f. 8
Macrostomum obtusum korsakovi Nasonov, 1926 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Stenostomum leucops (Duges, 1828) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 59
Stenostomum grande Child, 1902 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 59
Stenostomum unicolor Schmidt, 1848 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 59
Rhynchoscolex simplex Leidy, 1852 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 60
Macrostomum appendiculatum Fabricius, 1826 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 60
Dalyellia ornata Hofsten N, 1907 w other taxonomic work 61
Dalyellia infundibuliformis (Fuhrmann, 1894) w other taxonomic work 61
Dalyellia armigera Schmidt, 1861 w other taxonomic work 61
Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 64
Olisthanella arctica Nasonov, 1923 w other taxonomic work 68
Strongylostoma radiatum (Müller, 1774) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 72
Strongylostoma elongatum Hofsten N, 1907 w other taxonomic work 72
Castrada (Castrada) instructa Hofsten N, 1907 w other taxonomic work 65
Castrada (Castrada) stagnorum Luther, 1904 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 66
Castrada (Castrada) hofmanni Braun, 1885 w other taxonomic work 67
Castrada (Castrada) viridis Volz, 1898 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 65
Castrada (Castrada) intermedia (Volz, 1898) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 67
Castrada (Castrada) armata (Fuhrmann, 1894) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 67
Castrada (Castrada) neocomensis Volz, 1898 w other taxonomic work 66
Castrada (Castrada) luteola Hofsten N, 1907 w other taxonomic work 66
Castrada (Castrada) libidinosa Hofsten, 1916 w other taxonomic work 67
Mesostoma lingua (Abildgaard, 1789) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 69
Mesostoma murmanicum Nasonov, 1923 w other taxonomic work 69
Polycystis goettei Bresslau, 1906 w other taxonomic work 72
Prorhynchus stagnalis Schultze, 1851 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 60
Geocentrophora baltica (Kennel, 1883) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 60
Strongylostoma elongatum elongatum Hofsten N, 1907 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 56, 72
Gieysztoria cuspidata (Schmidt, 1861) [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Olisthanella (Typhloplanella) septentrionalis Nasonov, 1925 - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Olisthanella (Typhloplanella) arctica Nasonov, 1923 - other taxonomic work 69